SageWoman Blogs

Tarot can be used for many things including futurecasting. This blog will focus on Tarot as a tool for introspection including spreads, readings, individual card explorations and investigating themes of Tarot. You can expect discussions of magical uses of Tarot as well. If you have a question, please send it for possible inclusion in a blog topic.

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Creating Sanctuary

Today's card is from an oracle deck. Don't mind the dog hair. That was on my scanner but I didn't notice it. sigh. :D Funny how that gets everywhere, isn't it.

In a way it's like the crazy in our lives. That seems to seep into everything, doesn't it? Just when you sit down for a quiet moment with a book or a TV show, some version of that crazy pops up.

This card reminds us how to create our own sanctuary. It offers two key steps.

1. Calm and focus your mind.
2. Enjoy the moment.

I've talked before about the idea of "being in the moment." I've mentioned how hard that can be.

So today I'm going to do this. I'm not going to worry about worry. I'm not going to go crazy about the crazy. I'm going to let other people's monkeys roam where they like. There's no law that says I must chase after them.

In my current obsession, Mrs. Hughes says, "My opinion has no place in this." She's the housekeeper of Downton Abbey. So I'm adopting that as one of my phrases. Because so very often my annoyances and frustrations are because I'm expecting others to give a rat's ass what I think of their actions.

My opinion of others invites their crazy into my world so I am releasing that need to express what I think they should do. Not my circus. Not my monkeys.

Today, I mind my own moments. Today I focus on my own feelings. Today I am in charge of the space I am in. Today is about me, myself and I. I create my own sanctuary because I put myself first.Seek joy, y'all. Pass it on.

Sanctuary, Witchlings, Paulina Cassidy, U.S. Games Systems Inc.

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Professional Tarot conversationalist, Arwen Lynch has worked with Tarot as a vehicle for personal transformation since 1980. Her personal philosophy is that Tarot is best used to correct your life course. She is a published author (in romance, as Marilu Mann) as well as past president of the American Tarot Association (4/1/2007-4/1/2014). She specializes in helping people who are determined find their joy and writers who want to finish their book. She's an initiate of Wicca.


  • Francesca De Grandis
    Francesca De Grandis Monday, 21 July 2014

    Lovely, my dear.

    Thank you for your beautiful fellowship in the challenging quest for being in the moment.

    I was cleaning out papers in the office last week and found notes from maybe a decade or two ago, from something you and I had done online. I think maybe it was an interview you did of me on your site. And here we are, still in fellowship. Blessed be the moment and the decades!

    What is the name of the oracle deck that nice card is from?

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