Awakening Goddess: Empowering the Goddess Within

As above, so below, as within, so without - every thing that we desire, and every thing that we fear, exists within us. This blog explores nourishing our dreams, committing to our highest values, and healing ourselves from the inside out: awakening and empowering the Goddess within our bodies, hearts, and lives.

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My Anti-Anxiety Mantra

When I'm stressed, time speeds up and so do I.  I talk faster and my words run together.  I rush around trying to do more than one thing at a time.  In a hurry, I forget important things and make mistakes that take away more precious time, increasing my stress.  My heart beats faster.  I breathe faster.  I move faster and more violently.  I anger more quickly.  I react without thinking.  Stress hormones overwhelm my body, damaging each organ and system, and my body tries to communicate with me though pain, nausea, headaches, exhaustion, cravings.  If I stay in a state of stress too long, my poor body burns out and I get sick.

In the beginning of my healing journey, I read a lot of books that encouraged me to change what I thought, to change my words and thoughts from negative to positive.  Instead of thinking, "I'm so stressed out," I tried to think, "I am at peace."

Just thinking that I was at peace wasn't enough, but it only took seconds of my too-limited time.  At least I was trying.

I believe that everything is energy, that words are energy, and that every word I say and think has the power to change my energy and the energy I attract to myself.

I believe my actions are even more powerful than my words and thoughts.

Thus, to manage stress, or anxiety, I needed a mantra that I could do as well as think.

Anxiety made me either rush or freeze.  Between those two extremes, I reminded myself to move slowly.

Anxiety made me speak and move more violently, thus I reminded myself to speak and move gently.

Anxiety made me act without thinking, so I reminded myself to act with intention, to make every word and movement deliberate.

The opposite of anxious is calm.

I am most powerful when I am slow, gentle, intentional, and calm.  This energy nourishes me and my world.  This energy sustains me.  It keeps me grounded and centered.

Slow. Gentle.  Intentional.  Calm.

This is where I choose to thrive.

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Ashley Rae published her first book, a memoir, in 2012, and has been a professional psychic, healer, and teacher since 2003. Ashley's goal in life is to help you empower the divine spark within yourself so that you can love yourself freely, make your life awesome, and make this world a more beautiful, compassionate place. Visit her website to check out her other blog, find out her schedule, book an appointment and register for her classes.


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