Pagan Culture - Paganism 101
Frantic Fianceé in Philadelphia
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- Category: Good Witch - Bad Witch
©2012 Holly Golightly
Dear Ladies,
I have recently come out of the broom closet to my future wife. She was very supportive, but I think she might have a fit when I tell her I want to be married through my coven. How am I supposed to tell her?
— Frantic Fianceé in Philadelphia
Wiccan Wife in Washington
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- Category: Good Witch - Bad Witch
©2012 Holly Golightly
Dear Witches,
I have a mother-in-law who is a nice lady but very Catholic and “old school” while my husband is a “recovering Catholic” and wants to observe Wiccan holidays with me. When he told her that I was a Wiccan, she said,” Oh well, you’re going to have to fix that.” Should I sit her down and talk to her about it or wait until she starts asking me about it? I’m dreading the next time it comes up.
— Wiccan Wife in Washington
Coming Out Pagan
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- Category: Introduction to Panganism
©2002 Samantha Collins
Coming Out Pagan
by Wendy L. Hawksley
One of the most daunting personal issues facing modern Pagans is whether or not to “come out of the broom closet” — that is to say, whether or not to let people know that you are Pagan.
There are many factors to consider in this decision — the nature of your family, friends and co-workers; whether or not your community is Pagan-friendly; and your own level of comfort. If you feel at all frightened, endangered, or “not right,” then my advice is to stay in the closet. However, there are factors that make this more complex than a simple “in or out” decision. Here are a few simple signposts for along the way.
Exploring the Sabbats
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- Category: Introduction to Panganism
Exploring the Sabbats
by Elizabeth Barrette
One thing that nature religions share is an interest in seasonal cycles. The details vary widely according to time period and geographic region, but the general idea of honoring certain holidays holds true. So whether your tradition is Gaian, Pagan, Goddess Worship, or some other Earth-centered belief system, you’re in the right place. The sabbats are the eight high holy days. Four of them – Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Fall Equinox, and Winter Solstice – mark path of the Earth around the Sun, so we call these the "Quarter Days." Their exact times change from year to year, so check an ephemeris. The other four – Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas, and Samhain – form a sort of cross between the rest, so we call them the "Cross-Quarter Days." Together, these eight holidays make up the Wheel of the Year. Now let’s take a look at each of the sabbats in turn.
Glossary of Pagan Terms
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- Category: Introduction to Panganism
Glossary of Pagan Terms
compiled by Elizabeth Barrette
Alternative Lifestyle: A mode of living which differs significantly from the "mainstream" society’s prescribed beliefs, affiliations, values, or practices. People who live an alternative lifestyle often gather with others who share their preferences; they may or may not retain close contact with the larger society. Many religions, including Paganism, fall into this category.
Blessed Be: A common phrase, used among Pagans as a greeting, a letter closing, or a statement of agreement. "Bright Blessings" appears in similar context. Although both phrases come from Wicca/Witchcraft they have spread into general use.
Coven: The most common name for a group of Wiccans/Witches who meet regularly for ritual and social purposes. Other Pagan traditions may call their groups by different names. "Coven" and "circle" are both very popular among Eclectic Pagans. Druids usually say "grove" or "henge" instead. Asatru sometimes use "grange" or "stead."
FAQ About Paganism
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- Category: Introduction to Panganism
FAQ About Paganism
Frequently Asked Questions
by Elizabeth Barrette
Q: What is a Pagan? What is Paganism?
A: A Pagan is a person who feels a strong connection to nature, who holds the Earth and its creatures sacred, and who seeks a personal connection with the Divine. Pagan religions come from all around the globe, from ancient history and contemporary times as well. Paganism encompasses the reverence of nature, the worship of the Divine in many guises but especially as an embodiment of natural forces, the observance of seasonal cycles, and a perennial quest for personal growth. Most Pagan religions are polytheistic, celebratory faiths. Like any religion, Paganism is much too complex to describe fully in just a few words.