Hedge Witch: Into the Wilds…

Let me take you on a journey through the wilds of nature and back to the roots and bones of witchcraft, a natural witchcraft that works with the seasons and all the natural items that Mother Nature provides drawing on magical folk lore with a dash of hedge witch and gypsy magic too.

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Watery Magic: Rivers, lakes, seas and oceans

Rivers, lakes, seas and oceans

Rivers, lakes, ponds, seas, oceans and any other names for large bodies of water and all with immense magical powers.  Water is a necessity of life, never underestimate its power.

Rivers and streams have the ability to ‘flow’ they bring movement so they are brilliant for removing or getting rid of things whether it is spell work that focuses on removing or dispelling or whether you just want the water to carry your spell away to ‘do its thing’ but please remember not to drop anything into any water system that won’t safely degrade – not plastics or chemicals please! 

If you don’t have access to a natural running water area then the household sink tap works well for cleansing and purifying and the flushing toilet is absolutely brilliant for flushing away spell work.

The oceans and seas work well because of the power they have and the fact that they have built in cleansing and purifying properties because they are salt water.

Ponds and lakes are slightly different because they don’t tend to move much, they don’t usually have waves and they don’t flow like rivers but they still hold the natural magic of water.


A bit obvious I know but rivers, lakes and oceans are all made up from the element of water which is a huge powerhouse of nature, never underestimate the power of the ocean…

I love nothing more than retreating to the shores of the ocean to release any worries and issues and come home refreshed and renewed.

Rain water can be collected in your garden in pots and buckets and water collected from wells is often classed as ‘sacred’ and water from the ocean is obviously already imbued with salt so it packs an extra cleansing and purifying punch of energy. 

It is totally an intuition thing but I work with water for:

Magical properties: Fear, flowing, purification, healing, soothing, love, emotions, cleansing, motion, psychic abilities, intuition, dreams, friendships, compassion, sadness, rest, rebirth

Gender: Feminine

Direction: West

Elementals: Undines, Nymphs, Merpeople, Sirens

Uses: Cleansing, washing away, bathing, diluting, purifying


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Rachel is a witch...has been for a very long time, not the green skinned warty kind obviously...the real sort - but she is also a working wife and mother living in Hampshire, England who has also been lucky enough to write and have published a growing stack of books on the Craft. She loves to learn she loves to study and continues to do so each and every day but has learned the most from actually getting outside and doing it. She regularly gives talks and workshops at pagan events. Rachel is also founder and an Elder at the Kitchen Witch online school of witchcraft. She likes to laugh...and eat cake...


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