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The Secret to Magical Success--Finding the Desire Behind the Desire

Magic is multi-dimensional, and metaphysical awareness spans many levels simultaneously.

This means that when we think we want to manifest happiness, for example, what we really want - deep down - might be more complete self expression. At first, this might mean letting our sadness out, and feeling the full range of our pain, as heart-wrenching as it may be. Then, and only then, would we be free to experience the longed-for happiness that sparked our desire to work magic in the first place.

In my personal work, as well as my work with my clients, I often feel motivated to uncover the desire behind the desire. That's why I thought I'd write this post: to motivate you to go deeper and to provide some insight into what might be propelling you to want whatever it is you want. By bravely looking at the full picture of your energetic landscape, your magic will not only be more effective, but also your life experience will feel fuller, more satisfying, and more complete.

Still, these initial intentions are gifts, and we must honor them: they're doorways into what our soul dearly craves. Yes, we want the initial intention, but we also desire what lies beneath it.

Here are five common magical intentions, and what may lie beneath them.


Of course, I am a big proponent of clearing and shielding your energy before you get busy in your daily routine, and also clearing and shielding your home and workspace.

But sometimes, we think we want to shield from negativity even more, when what we really want is to let go and trust that the Universe has our back. We don't want to shut down and close off, we actually want to open up to the flow of Divine energy, so that we are actively blessing our surroundings with positivity, rather than being a vacuum that picks up on every little negative energy around us. In many ways, this makes us more open rather than more closed, because we feel safe and dearly attuned to the true, divine selves of those around us, rather than the illusions of ego and separation.

Romantic Love

Hey, I am a romantic. I love love love romantic love. And if you want to manifest some for yourself, I am 100% on board with that desire.

Still, it's good to be aware that sometimes when we want to manifest romance with another person, what we really want is to love ourselves more fully, and to revel in the sensual aspects of this human experience. We want to feel like a warm bath is enveloping us in approval and adoration, the scent of roses is making us swoon, and bright sunlight is endlessly kissing our skin. Interestingly, when we trust that we deserve this kind of support from the physical world, we naturally attract potential love interests and precisely the type of romantic attention we crave.


If we're going to be fully present in this temporary physical form, and we want to experience any form of success, then why the heck shouldn't we? It's an absolutely valid magical intention.

And, when we desire more success in any life area, what we may in fact be craving is a sense of lightness, adventure, and play. After all, this temporary human experience - while on one level is infinitely precious and important - on another level is not really all that serious at all. When we remember that this whole thing (i.e. life) is one big gorgeous mystery and cosmic dance that will dissolve into nothingness as certainly as if it never existed at all, we can apply ourselves to our desire for success in a playful and spontaneous way. We can detach from the stranglehold on our seriousness and let the Divine flow in. That way, we can more rapidly and effortlessly experience the success we crave...and actually enjoy it at the same time.


While our current system of exploitative capitalism is certainly nothing to glorify, on the personal level, having plenty of everything we truly desire is our birthright and our natural state. And if you desire to manifest more abundance as so many of us do, hey: more power to you!

Additionally, i's good to note that what we really want when we want to manifest abundance is often to trust that everything we need will be provided to us. We want to let go of the fear of lack and really, really trust and expect that the Universe will give us exactly what we need, exactly when we need it. This is a very present moment thing. When we don't have to place all our attention on the future, our present is fully nourished, and our minds our clear. From this place of knowing that we already have everything we need, right-in-this-moment-now, we just seem to know what to do in order to open up and receive all that we want and need, and more.


We are a happiness-loving species, and our world is drenched in the light of the sun. By its very definition, happiness is something we like and desire more of. So: yay happiness!

Nevertheless, it's important to note that it's just not in our nature to be happy every second of every day. If the sun were shining all the time, we would not understand what made it so special, and we would not be aware of the balancing darkness or the cool, ethereal wisdom of the moon. So (as I mentioned in the intro), sometimes, when we want to manifest happiness, what our soul is really asking for is a feeling that it is safe to express our grief, sadness, yearning, and the full range of our emotional expression. Perhaps we want to watch a sad movie and cry, or write a mournful song to process some of the challenges of our past. That way, our personal sunrise can dawn in its full brightness, as a natural counterpart to our endeavor to gaze bravely into the glittering, nourishing midnight of the soul.

...Have you ever noticed hidden magical intentions behind the more obvious ones? If so, feel free to share in the comments.

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Tess Whitehurst is the award-winning author of a number of books, including The Magic of Flowers and Holistic Energy Magic. She's also a feng shui consultant and a worldwide intuitive counselor. She lives in Boulder, CO. Visit her and sign up for her free monthly newsletter at


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