Crystal People: Making the Connection

Enter into an in-depth discussion about the world of the Crystal People. In this blog spot we will explore the truth that crystals are sentient beings and learn how to connect with them. We’ll cover all areas of quartz crystal such as how they form, methods of cleansing, clearing and programming, how and why to make crystal grids and other tools, how and where to dig your own crystals and much more.

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A Word from Crystal Guide, Venus, on Charging Crystals

This is a question a person asked about charging. I have posted Venus's reply before, but here it is with less Genn, more Venus. First, the question:

What do I need to do to charge or recharge my crystals? Do I need to put them in the sun...which is kind of hard where I live because I am gone most of the day & I do not leave my drapes open while I am gone.

Venus' answer: "You don't have to move everybody out into the sunlight or moonlight, sometimes you live where you can't physically do this, and sometimes you have too many crystals... there are many many reasons why one might not be able to do this.

The IMPORTANT thing in charging your crystals is that #1 you are aware that they need charging (both your INTENTION and ATTENTION is on their well being) and #2 that you haven't forgotten to think of them.

At the point you realize they need charging (when you would put them out in the energies of nature if you could), then simply request that the energies of nature come inside. You know that the full moon energies affect you, even when you aren't in the moonlight... or a sunny day even if you are inside all day long... as does the pull of the tide when the view of the moon is hidden from it on the other side of the planet.

Our roofs and walls are no match for the energy of the moon and sun. But just as they are no match, we also construct them as a shield of sorts, against the weather, but also, believe it or not, against certain energies. So by requesting that the sunlight or moonlight come in and recharge our stones, we are in essence breaking the shield we have created, but in a safe way, as we are opening to the energies of the moon and sun, but not opening to any and all energies present. Does this make sense?

So to summarize, it is important to be mindful of the needs of your crystal Friends, and then with intention, request that the moon, sun, nature, recharge us with positive intent."

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Genn John lives in Arkansas near the “Quartz Crystal Capital of the World”. Since the early 90's, she has been a practicing eclectic witch, incorporating such paths as Crystal Wisdom, Wicca, Buddhism, Reiki, Shamanism, Light Language and more. Genn has been acting as the legs for the Crystal People as the Keeper at Arkansas Crystal Works, an internet-based source for crystals and crystal knowledge, since 1995. Having accepted the honor to be their voice as well, she is the author of Understanding The Crystal People: A Handbook for Lightworkers; a crystal reference book for people who desire to fully understand their connection to the crystal kingdom and who wish to enhance their working knowledge of these majestic beings. Genn has also published a 4 part series of coloring books which are a useful tool for anyone with an interest in learning the anatomical structures of quartz crystals. It features precise, extraordinary hand-drawn designs crafted especially for easy coloring and interactive study. Find the store and more at, or her blog at To connect: email -, facebook -, Instagram - gennjohn or Twitter @GennJohn.


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