49 Degrees: Canadian Pagan Perspectives

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Giveaway for the Pagan Community - Morning Glory Zell

Morning Glory ZellFor those who live under a Pagan rock, Morning Glory Zell is a Pagan elder who has contributed significantly to the development of the modern Pagan community.  Along with her partner Oberon Zell (and their other partners) she is one of the founders of the Church of All Worlds, one of the first legally incorporated Pagan church organizations, and an editor/publisher of the very influential Green Egg Magazine.  For many years, Morning Glory has been fighting cancer, and she is now very ill with pneumonia which caused kidney failure, for which she is on dialysis.

There is a crowd funding campaign at GoFundMe to aid in Morning Glory's medical expenses.  They have already surpassed their goal but I remember what it was like to live on the charity of others when my husband was in the hospital after a life-threatening car accident, and I want to help.  If we don't take care of our Pagan elders, who will?

I lost a friend, Lorilei Thompson, last year.  Recently her husband Bradley offered up some of her formidable book collection to me and to anyone else I thought could benefit.  I have expanded much of my library, but I still have a lot of books left that I either already had or don't need.

So here's what I am proposing.  I have divided these books into packages, which I am going to give away in a draw.  I'm going to offer up one package a week, and I'm going to do it through this blog.  In order to qualify to enter your name in the draw, you must a) donate *any* sum of money you feel you can afford to Morning Glory's crowdfunder; and b) tell me you did so in the comments here so that I can write your name on a ticket.  If you win, I'll send you the books.  The catch is that you must pay for the shipping.  I promise you that it's a lot cheaper to ship from Canada to the U.S. than the other way around!  I will send it by your preferred method, but I will default to the postal service if you do not clarify.

I will video the draw live and upload it to my YouTube channel each week, then post a link here, along with a photo and description of the next available book package.

Because this is an independent effort, you may comment in any source you see this post; the original article, my website, my blog, my Facebook page, my YouTube channel, my Google+ or my Twitter.

It seems appropriate for my first giveaway package to be the "Wizards, Witches & Fairies Package":

Wizards, Witches & Faeries Package 

Titles included: The Wizard's Handbook - A Field Guide to Magic by Caroline Tiger; The Learned Arts of Witches & Wizards - History and Traditions of White Magic, and The World of Wizards - Modern Magical Tools and Ancient Traditions, by Anton and Mina Adams; The Secret Lives of Elves & Faeries - From the Private Journal of the Rev. Robert Kirk by John Matthews; and Wizardology - the Book of the Secrets of Merlin by Dugald A. Steer (missing the divination cards but otherwise intact).

Good luck, and thanks for your contribution!

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Sable Aradia (Diane Morrison) has been a traditional witch most of her life, and she is a licensed Wiccan minister and a Third Degree initiate in the Star Sapphire and Pagans for Peace traditions. Author of "The Witch's Eight Paths of Power" (Red Wheel/Weiser 2014) and contributor to "Pagan Consent Culture" and "The Pagan Leadership Anthology," she also writes "Between the Shadows" at Patheos' Pagan channel and contributes to Gods & Radicals. Sable is just breaking out as a speculative fiction writer under her legal name, and a new serial, the Wyrd West Chronicles, will be released on the Spring Equinox this year. Like most writers, she does a lot of other things to help pay the bills, including music, Etsy crafts, and working part time at a bookstore. She lives in Vernon, BC, Canada with her two life partners and her furbabies in a cabin on the edge of the woods.


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