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Posted by on in Paths Blogs

Before Tom's funeral sumbel, when I was arranging various statuary on the porch, I unpacked several boxes of Tom's religious items which I had packed at his house. I couldn't find the blue Freyr statue. A few weeks later there was a slight adjustment to the timeline. Then I found the blue statue, but it was Freya. Definitely had boobs. It also had a thick layer of dust, which I tried to wash off and discovered the blue was paint that just washed right off. I washed it until it turned into this, the design standing out in high relief. Then I thought, "Oh oh, I washed the goddess. The slaves of Nerthus who washed the goddess got drowned in a lake. Please don't drown me in a lake. Or the pool. Or..." To which the goddess replied that she would not drown me and I already survived drowning in the pool. Which was true, but I never thought of it that way. I fell in an aging but relatively able woman and came out an athritic old crone, so, I guess that was my shamanic near-death experience? Hmm. It didn't seem very spiritual and I'm pretty sure all I really experienced was fear. But anyway, here's my new Freya statue. To be handled with gloves on only because that blue stuff still comes off on everything.

See the image on this link because I can't upload pics to my blog right now for an unknown reason:

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Ariadne's Tribe Family of Deities: The Serpent Mother

This is one in a series about finding our deities in Minoan art. Find the list of the full series here.

The Snake Goddess is perhaps the most iconic representative of Minoan culture and religion. Show a person a Snake Goddess figurine, and it's a pretty sure bet they'll think of the Minoans. But did you know that there are only a handful of these figurines, and no other representations of the Snake Goddess in the frescoes or the seals?

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In the fall season, Nature leaves behind the powers of light, drawing inward to stillness and the sacred dark of Mother Earth, where the sleeping potential of new life resides.

So too your spiritual journey calls you inward to quiet and reflection, compelling you to seek within the secret desires, dormant gifts and lost stories of your inner sacred dark where your sleeping potential resides. New beginnings await you in the sacred dark.

Here are four lessons to deepen your spiritual work in the fall season.

1. Step beyond the world you know, and turn your awareness toward the unknown of the sacred dark.

Commit to travel the deepest roots of your spiritual journey. Call up your courage and determination. Lessen your grip on the things you hold true and dear. Open to the mysteries of your inner sacred dark, and let them guide your spiritual work.

2. What you hunger for waits for you in the sacred dark.

Heed your soul’s hunger to seek out your greater becoming. Whatever you truly need to be whole waits for you in the sacred dark of your inner landscape. Here you can discover and reclaim the lost, precious parts of yourself that can nourish your soul and make your life anew.

3. Suffering and sacrifice are integral parts of your spiritual work.

Don’t expect your spiritual work to be pretty or easy. Honor the lessons and experiences that come to you, especially those that challenge you the most. Know that this is how life is meant to teach and grow you. Great beauty, wisdom and resilience emerge from the depth of your struggles.

4. It’s the journey itself that transforms you.

You grow and mature by consciously engaging your life experiences, both the positive and negative. It’s this very toil of sweat and soul that changes you. Life, with its joys and sorrows, is the crucible of your greater becoming.

Artwork: Karen Koski

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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

Winters here are rough.


The photo shows one of the last tiny harvests before the cold locks me indoors for too many days.


In the jar is lemon balm—wee clippings from the very top of the plant, since the lower leaves are already weathered beyond use. Likewise, the jar holds a mere five inches of nettle leaves and nettle seeds from the top of a stalk.


The harvest also includes gorgeously dark peppermint and some fuzzy, pale mint. The square-stemmed plant is ready to assault my tongue with glory, if there’s enough mint in the jar to storm my tastebuds. If not, a more gentle mint taste will sweeten and enliven the tea blend. 

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The 6th Moon of the Year, July 20, 2020


The Strong Sun Moon is July 20.
It is presided over by my associate, Spirit Grandmother Badger Clan, one of 13 ancient adepts, called Spirit Grandmothers or Mothers of Time, who birthed the Earth at the Permian era. They are part of the "hierarchy of Judges",13th dimensional beings from different stars and planets, are a very high vibration.
She says it is time in this moon for balance, growth, greater health through the teachings of roots and medicines she planted on Earth. We planetarians have been out of balance. That results in all Earth Beings out of balance. We need to take responsibility for our health and well being, becoming our own healers.
Share her message widely, so that all will remember who we once were, who we can become again before Kali Yuga, this age of chaos and control descended upon us. Who may we become, who are we? Consciousness. And we need to get back to our roots, our Mother for her medicines, homeopathic medicines as well, her gifts to us. Our Creators gave us the perfect immune system. I would not let anyone tell me that they can enhance my immune system with a vaccine.
It is essential we get back to our roots, if we are to survive. We are at the 12th initiation of 13, according to the Spirit Grandmothers. They also recently said that humans are too slow waking up, most still living out of the three lower chakras. Share this message widely. More people need to wake up to create balance on our wobbly Earth.This is my daily prayer for 30 years. Will you make it yours?
We stand a chance to loose everything, everything we have gained. Then we have to go back to the beginning and start over, and it has happened approximately five times before. It is up to us to make the needed changes, WE HUMANS OF EARTH. I'm trying to do my part. Are you, my friends? I would like to suggest that once a week sit in meditation and look into your life, see what changes you could make, and how you may help others to wake up.
In the meantime, sing, dance, chant, touch the Earth, be joyful, for this is our heritage from Her, The Goddess, as well. InLakech.❤️-C Agnes Toews-Andrews
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Posted by on in Paths Blogs

Jord, pronounced Yord, rhymes with horde, is the mother of Thor. Her name means earth.

Jord goes by her alternate name in the Fireverse and is part of the twin pair Fjorgyn and Fjorgynn.The name Fjorgynn is linguistically related to the names of thunder gods in other Indo-European cultures.

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Posted by on in Paths Blogs
Novel Gnosis part 11: Frigga

Frigga wears cloud gray. Sometimes she wears a blue head scarf. In the stories in which she and Odin favor different champions, they are not truly antagonists but are engaging in a contest they both enjoy, pitting the universe’s two best minds against each other, somewhat like playing chess. There is one thing they genuinely disagree on, and that is the best way to handle prophecy. While Odin tries his best to fulfill prophecy, Frigga tries to use knowledge of the future to change the future.

Frigga makes a lot of fiber art, and makes all the clothes for Odin’s family. When Thor and Loki were unmarried and lived with Odin, that included them too.

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