If the modern Beltane has an anthem, it must surely be Ian (“Jethro Tull”) Anderson's Cup of Wonder.
When I first heard the song in 1977, it came as something of a revelation, managing (in what is surely the cultural and aesthetic touchstone of the New Paganisms) to sound both ancient and modern simultaneously. Of course, at the time we took it entirely for granted. Youthful arrogance has a beauty all its own.
If you haven't heard Cup of Wonder before, it's well worth a listen. If—like me—you haven't heard it recently, let me recommend a revisit. While very much of its own time, Anderson's sight remains true, his vision crisp, and his truth as deep as it ever was.
Wishing you joy of Beltane and a Merry May.
Cup of Wonder
May I make my fond excuses for the lateness of the hour,
but we accept your invitation, and would bring you Beltane's flower;
for the May Day is the great day, sung along the old straight track,
and those who ancient lines did "ley" will heed the song that calls them back:
Pass the cup, and pass the Lady,
pass the plate to all who hunger;
pass the wit of ancient wisdom,
pass the Cup of Crimson Wonder.