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Magical Thinking: Developing a Manifestor's Mindset

I first heard the wisdom of the visionary teacher and writer, Louse Hay 25 years ago when my dear friend Duncan gifted me his well-worn cassette tape of her speaking about how to develop a mindset of abundance. I admittedly brought a bit of a scarcity mindset to California with me from West Virginia and was eager to learn new ways. I loved Louise Hay’s insights, wholly new to me. Duncan patiently explained to me his takeaways from Hay’s wisdom and how it had worked for him and changed his life for the better When paying bills, instead of resenting the utility that had supplied water and electricity, instead, write the check and seal the envelope and say aloud “thank you, Pacific Gas and Electric for supplying me with power for my home and trusting me to pay you. Blessings to you, PG&E!” We even began a ritual of paying bills together and then walking together to the mailbox and pronouncing our gratitude to all the recipient of our money. We even added the finishing touch of kissing the stamped envelopes and saying “Thank you!” before dropping them in for mailing. We got some looks of surprise at our mailbox rituals but we believed wholeheartedly in Louise Hay and this was working for Duncan. Soon, it began to work for me and I fully embraced the mindset. Most surprising of all, I stopped being filled with dread and worry when bills came in started paying bills the same day they came in, whenever possible. In addition to abetting an attitude of abundance, it helped my credit score

In the early 1990’s, we had to go to the mailbox for our 5 minute gratitude ritual. Nowadays with all the instantaneous ways of sending money and electronic payments, it might be closer to a 5 second ritual. However, before you hit send, get into your Manifestor’s Mindset and express thanks before you hit “send.” This attitude of abundance that stems from the mindset is like a muscle; the more you use it,  the stronger it will be and you will see much manifestation. A lot.

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Use Your Words: Intention Magic

I learned the art of intention-setting some years ago and quickly incorporated it into my morning rituals. Upon waking, sometimes, even before I open my eyes, I set my intention for the day. It can be about work, financial challenges a problem I am dealing with, relationships, health, hopes and dreams and anything, as long as it is also for the good of all. It has become a morning prayer for me, quick and quiet. I simply state my intention such as “I Intend my presentation today at work  will go really well and I will feel joy as it is happening and set the stage for success for this product launch, for the good of all.  I am grateful for this wonderful day. And so it is.”  During the peak of my money woes,  I would get very specific and set intentions for the exact amount of money I needed to make the mortgage payment, credit card bill, etc. Granular detail is good when manifesting so it is fine to say how much you  want when intending with money. . Avoid using words with any negative charge to them such as “can’t, but, won’t” and amplify your intention with a statement of gratitude immediately after. Always state your intention as if it is happening now and not in the future. Be specific and intend without limit; it does now always have to personal to you and intending for the greater good of all contributes to a positive global shift. By setting intentions every day, you will soon become a master manifestor. I intend that for you!

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Posted by on in Paths Blogs

This is how abundance manifests in my life. It's a story about something that happened in my life, and how I chose to interpret it. This is the kind of story that this blog, Gnosis Diary, was created to share, because it's about my personal gnosis. 

I lost weight this summer. When the weather turned cold, I dug out my winter gear, and most of it didn't fit. I told my god-husbands I needed money. They asked me what I needed it for. I said, I need clothes in my new size. Not long after that, a lady I'd never met died, and her daughter (whom I know through one of my family members) gave away all the lady's clothes. Four big boxes of clothes in my new correct size arrived on my doorstep.

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10 Secrets to Successful Magic
Here are 10 little ways to improve the overall success quotient of your magic.
1. Always start with clutter clearing.
When I want to manifest or shift something, if I have any clutter ***anywhere*** (and let's admit it - we all do unless we just-just-JUST cleared clutter), I start by focusing on that. Nothing unsticks and opens the door to positivity like getting rid of the junk in your physical space.
2. Choose intentions with joy behind them.
We always want to look for the JOY. That's our gold, and the clue to our natural divine momentum and flow. When we choose intentions with joy, we get to merge our energetic efforts with the Universe, which of course always works in our favor. 
3. Have fun with your rituals and spells.
Fun is the fairy dust and silver bullet that takes your magic from good to great. If your manifestation efforts feel fun and expansive to you, they are always a success. So wait until the idea of the ritual feels fun - or tweak it until it does - before you begin. 
4. Make sure your front door is energetically clear.
Your front door is a symbol of the positive flow of energy and blessings into your life experience. If it's dusty or squeaky, covered by a vine, rarely used, or its full range of motion is obstructed by something, this is simply a physical mirror of an energetic block between you and your natural flow of blessings. The good news? You can remedy it easily by washing it, painting it, oiling it, making sure to activate it regularly by opening it to water the plants or get the mail, or moving whatever is obstructing its full range of motion. A new doormat and shiny address numbers won't hurt either. 
5. Get your beauty sleep.
Deep and restful sleep helps us align with our intuition and shore up our personal power. So if your sleep has been a little challenged of late, make sure your bedding is super comfy, your bedroom is clutter free, and your caffeine intake isn't too intense (particularly in the second half of the day). Holding a black tourmaline, or keeping it under your pillow or by your head, is another way to enhance the depth and quality of your sleep. Added bonus: it clears and protects your energy while you sleep.
6. Exercise to get your energy moving.
We often think of exercising as a way to change the way our body is shaped over time. But just one day of exercising instantly gets your energy moving and increases your electrical emanation (aura) every single time time. And this means your magical power is increased as well. Not to mention, exercise relieves stress and infuses you with a radiant glow. 
7. Eat and drink nourishing foods/beverages that your body loves.
Similarly, eating and drinking things that fuel your physical body's health also fuel your magical and spiritual health, and keep your aura and personal power strong. So tune in deeply to what your body is asking for in order to thrive.
8. Laugh a lot.
Laughing opens you up to all the beauty and magic of the universe. By lightening your spirit and increasing your electrical emanation (aura), it clears the way for the Divine to flow through you and your life experience. And believe it or not, simply making the decision to laugh more - and then making a point of doing so - actually works. Because the more you laugh, the more others laugh, and then the hilarity bounces back to you again and increases your laughter again. (Notice the added bonus of increasing the overall laughter quotient of the world.)
9. Remember you are co-creating with the Divine.
Speaking of clearing the way for the Divine to flow through you, it's important to remember ***this is where the magic comes from.*** When we hold the expectation that the little/finite "me" has to do all the work, we effectively use our free will to shut out the Divine flow that will facilitate our most ideal magical and personal success. So relax, release, lighten up, and open up to Divine miracles and blessings so that your magic will succeed. 
10. Cultivate a sense of joyful expectation.
When we do open up to the Divine as our co-creator and magical master of ceremonies, there is a lightness and a joy. We don't feel pressured or desperate or worried, and we feel light and open and free, as if we are certain that the most wonderful possible thing is about to happen. 
In fact, you might consider inwardly repeating the affirmation, "Something wonderful is about to happen...Something wonderful is happening now." You'll notice this affirmation brings a secretive smile to your face and a magical magnetism that attracts all kinds of fabulous things.
P.S. Stay in the inspiration loop! Registration is now open for The Good Vibe Tribe: my new membership program with new online magic workshops every month, weekly web chats, and a forum to connect with other members. To learn more and watch an introductory video, click here.
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  • Janet Boyer
    Janet Boyer says #
    Joy--that's the berries, isn't it? We've been de-cluttering since November and OMG, the energy! I hit 2016 running, and I really t

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