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TRIGONIC RECORD KEEPER - Soul Retrieval, Transitions and Knowledge

This week we are going to discuss Trigonic Record Keepers. First, we need to know what they look like. How do they differ physically from what we learned in an earlier Blog Post about traditional Record Keepers?


A Trigonic Record Keeper (sometimes called Trigon) is an upside-down Record Keeper that you can easily feel and see. Traditional Record Keepers are little triangles which point up, like a teepee or pyramid. Trigonic Record Keepers point down and seem to be "cut" into the surface (meaning you can easily see and feel them). They are like tiny Keys, actually, except that they are shaped like a Record Keeper (triangle) with the flat “bottom” of the triangle at the top, and the point facing down.

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A Guided Crystal Meditation

So! I hope everyone enjoyed the recent Super-Harvest-Blood-Moon event. Obviously, it wasn't visible to all due to global location or local weather, but the energies were incredible and, I am sure, shared and felt by all. Watching the moon go dark was awe-inspiring. Seeing the Earth's shadow creep across the moon was a powerful reminder to me of how we are interconnected, not just floating parts which don't interact.

I am definitely feeling the ramped-up energies from both the moon and the general chaos of the incoming vibrations. I have been feeling behind, pressured and like the world is spinning a little too fast for me to keep up at times. Physically I am feeling a little dizzy and high. If you are experiencing similar energies, please leave a comment below so we will all see that we are not alone in these energetic experiences. I feel like I have been on "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride" for sure!

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SOUL MATE or TWIN SOUL - Promote Loving Contact and Togetherness

This week we're going to talk about Soul Mate or Twin Soul crystals. Let me start with the caveat that just as there are differing opinions on the description of a human soul mate/twin soul, there is also a lot of controversy about what constitutes a Soul Mate or Twin Soul crystal. These twinned crystals are sometimes also referred to as Tantric Twins or Twin Flames. My tendency is to keep naming as uncomplicated as possible, so I choose not to use the names Tantric Twin or Twin Flame and simplify it to just "Twin Soul" or even just "Twin".

As usual, what I am presenting here is my take on the subject of twinned crystals, you may have learned differently, or the people or books from which you learned may have assigned subtle differences and complex rules to the names, or you  simply may have a different opinion on the matter entirely for other reasons, and that is perfectly okay! What is important is the energy which these twinned crystals present and your personal relationship to the type of crystal named as such. Again, it is my desire to make learning about the Crystal People as uncomplicated as possible to make this sometimes convoluted topic less burdensome and more accessible to everyone. Back to topic, then!

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SMOKY QUARTZ - For Grounding and Mood Elevating

This week we're going to talk about Smoky quartz.

As an aside, I grappled with the spelling of "smoky" for years (actually I still have to think about it when I write it). I always wondered, "is it 'smoky' or 'smokey'!?" (And how many times can you read and say 'smoky' before the word becomes like a non-sense word!?) Just to share what I learned, 'smoky' (without the "e") is an adjective, 'Smokey' (with the "e") is a proper noun (name) such as Smokey Bear. Growing up with a father and grandfather in the Forest Service, I read a LOT about Smokey Bear. I used the "e" variation of smoky when referring to quartz for years. You may still catch a typo or two where I left in the "e".

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TABBY and SHEET and SHARD, OH MY! Crystals with Flat Shapes

Welcome back to our discussion of the different quartz crystal configurations. This week I was planning to just talk about Sheet crystals, but I have decided to add in two other types of flat crystals as well. So we're going to talk about Sheet, Tabby (or Tabular) and Shard quartz crystals. They are all thin, flat crystals, but they each have a little bit different characteristic which separates them. We'll start with Tabby or Tabular crystals because they are the most uniform and also the thickest of the three.

Tabby or Tabular Blog Post Image


Tabby or Tabular crystals are just as the name implies. They are thin and flat like a tablet. To "qualify" as a textbook 'perfect' Tabby, the thickness must be no more than half the width. So if a crystal is 1 inch wide, it can only be 1/2 inch thick (or less) to qualify as a Tabby. Five inches wide can only be two and a half inches thick or less. The "or less" is important, because they don't have to be exactly a 2 to 1 ratio, they just have to be at least 2 to 1 (twice as wide as it is thick). They can always be thinner than that.

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SELF HEALED CRYSTALS - Healing with Persistence and Determination

This week we're going to talk about Self Healed crystals. Self-Healed crystals are crystals that have been broken from the matrix and started to re-seal their broken ends with new growth. How might this happen and what is the matrix? All crystals which aren't Double Terminated start out on a cluster (the porcupine looking masses of crystals). These clusters grow along veins. When the earth moves and shifts, individual points or sometimes clumps of points break off. The broken ends of these crystals (and also the space where they came off the cluster) will often continue to grow, or "self-heal".

A Self-Healed crystal looks like it has scales or triangular layers which vary from very teeny almost imperceptible scales to large triangular layers. Self healing can be present on the bottom, sides or even tip of a point or cluster. Self-Healed points also present as crystals that were broken in half but sort of “glued” back together with new growth. I intentionally made these pictures large because the detail in some Self Healed crystals can be hard to see. I apologize if it is taking time to download.

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MANIFESTATION - Assistance with Attaining Desires

Manifestation crystals fall into the category of crystals within crystals. Unlike a Bridge or Inner Child, a Manifestation point doesn't protrude from the main crystal, it is completely enclosed within it. Descriptively they are small points that have formed within a larger point and they are quite rare. 

Manifestation points are sometimes difficult to determine from a photograph. When you have the crystal in hand, you can see that there is a point within the point, but you also must not be able to feel any of that point on the outside of the crystal. If you do, it is an Inner Child, not a Manifestation. I have encountered some websites using the terms "Manifestation points" and "Inner Child points" interchangeably. However, in my understanding, the difference is that the energy of an Inner Child point is similar to a Bridge (bridging or connecting one thing to another). If the Inner Child were completely enclosed, how would one have the feeling of reaching or bridging to the Inner Child? But again, I reiterate that the names are very often used slightly differently, and neither is right, neither is wrong, just pointing out that you may see this sometimes.

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