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Satyr - Wikipedia


When I lived briefly in London back in 1990, I roved the city at pretty much all hours of the day and night, and can't recall ever having felt in danger.

Well, except that once.


We tend to think of Classical sculpture as pure, austere: all white surfaces and rippling marble. But, of course, the ancestors knew it as far otherwise: painted with bright colors that strike us today as garish.

(Of course, viewed as the ancestors would have seen them—by flickering firelight or the supple, piercing sunlight of Greece—they don't look garish at all.)

Same with Classical drama. Back in the day, those soaring, searing tragedies were interspersed with comic relief skits known as satyr plays: raucous, bawdy, earthy.

(This vision of balanced life tells you something pretty profound about the ancients and, indeed, about the paganisms generally, but let's lay that by for now.)

The tragedies, of course, with their deep human pathos, survived. No one bothered to save any of those throw-away satyr plays, though—hey, they're just comic relief, right?—so for years they were entirely lost to us.

Then, in the 1890s, a couple of British archaeologists named Grenfall and Hunt, digging a rubbish dump outside the ancient city of Oxyrynchus in Egypt, discovered fragments of Sophocles' 5th-century BCE satyr play, The Ichneutae.

British playwright Tony Harrison's 1988 The Trackers of Oxyrynchus melded the reconstructed satyr play itself with the story of Grenfall and Hunt's archaeological expedition. Though the play itself is a brilliant achievement, its stars are (of course) the satyrs, who athletically clog-dance their way through it more-or-less naked, with cute-grotesque snub-nosed satyr masks, big bouncing phalli (fake) and rippling, muscular butts (real).

Luckily for me, who had always wanted to see it, the show was remounted in 1990 at the Royal National Theatre.

That's how I came to be wandering South Bank that evening.

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Posted by on in Paths Blogs
Kourion (Cyprus)

April 14, 2019

The ancient town of Kourion

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
A Journey with Hermes

I was in for some surprises in May of 2006, when I first visited Samos, a Greek island near the border with Turkey, to give a talk at a students’ club. I had been invited by Minas Papageorgiou—a student back then and now a writer, researcher and journalist—to speak about Mary Magdalene. He took me on a journey up a stream named Potami (pron. potámi), the Greek word for river. It turned out to be a magical place as the stream runs through a forest and forms small lakes and waterfalls.

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Pagan News Beagle: Airy Monday, June 15

Who says pop culture doesn't matter? This week for Airy Monday we took at the ways that pop culture, society, and religion all interconnect. Read about the connection of Mad Max: Fury Road to the Morrigan, popular subversions of fairy tales, and how the political intrigue of ancient Greece compares to Game of Thrones. All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
Orphic Mysteries and Goddess(es) of Nature

Greek Hymns Honoring the Divine Feminine

The Orphic Hymn to Nature brings to light the age-old Mother Goddess of many names, the supreme Creatress, “dancing with whirling noiseless feet” her eternal dance of life and growth. It’s hard to find a more telling description of the Divine Feminine’s immense powers in all of the Hellenic literature!

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  • Jamie
    Jamie says #
    Ms. Meenee, As someone with Neoplatonist leanings, I am glad that you are making people more aware of the Athanassakis translatio
  • Terence P Ward
    Terence P Ward says #
    If and when I ever delve into Orphic writings, Athanassakis is the way to go. I own his Homeric translation and it's superb.
PaganNewsBeagle Airy Monday August 4

It's Monday here at the PaganNewsBeagle, the day we celebrate the Element of Air. Today we have academic research on Harry Potter, the linguistics of sacred space, how culture influences auditory hallucinations, and a grisly discovery that's attributed to ancient Germanic rituals. Enjoy!

Does reading Harry Potter books make kids less prejudiced about immigrants? This article details recent social science research that suggests the answer.

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