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PaganNewsBeagle: Watery Wednesday Community News July 27
In this installment of the PaganNewsBeagle (Watery Wednesday Community News) we have an interview with the Patheos Pagan blogmistress, musings on that most British Pagan institution: the pub moot; an interview with Hellenic polytheist author Tony Mierzwicki; and news on changes at Paganesque festival "FaerieWorld."
Meet Patheos Pagan blogmistress Christine Hoff Kraemer!
Explore that venerable (but waning?) institution the Pagan pub moot.
PNC-Minnesota interviews author (and Greco-Egyptian religion expert) Tony Mierzwicki about his new book and upcoming appearance at Sacred Harvest Festival.
Big news from big fantasy-Pagan festival Faerieworlds.
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