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Sensual Scents for Massage Candles

Traditionally, these oils are considered to have aphrodisiac properties, and they simply smell wonderful on your skin and in your home. Just burning the candles will be magical!

Amber, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Jasmine, Neroli, Patchouli, Rose, Sandalwood, Vanilla, Vetiver, Ylang-Ylang

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Light My Fire: DIY Massage Candles

Making massage candles is very similar to making any other type of potted candle. I recommend using soy wax as it is so gentle on the skin. Soy is also nice and soft, so it melts easily and stays together in a puddle after melting and can be reused for us thrifty crafters. It won’t irritate your skin unless you have a soy allergy; if you have an allergy to soy, you can use beeswax instead, which is widely used. (For example, beeswax is in nearly every single Burt’s Bees product.) The addition of the oils prevents it from hardening again and enables your skin to absorb it. Essential oils or cosmetic-grade fragrance oils are also added to create a soothing atmosphere. All soap-making fragrances, which are also soy candle safe, are perfect choices for scenting your massage candles. Try the basic directions below to make your first candle. For every three ounces of wax, you’ll add one ounce of liquid oil and one-quarter ounce of fragrance. I suggest making two candles in four-ounce metal tins while you master this craft.

You will need these elements:

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You Are a Goddess: Aromatherapy of the Gods

For men, this oil stimulates desire and prowess. In a favorite bottle or jar, ideally red or pink, mix together the following recipe with a silver spoon:

5 drops rosemary oil

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The Magic of Massage

Set the stage for hands-on pleasure before you knead your lover’s body into rapturous bliss. Start with your favorite music. I prefer Indian ragas because they seem to have a naturally sexy rhythm. Whether it is the sound of classical guitar, angelic harps, or an ambient electronic band from Iceland, it should relax and bring pleasure. Light pink, red, and brown candles to create a loving, sexual atmosphere that is strongly grounded. Kindle incense your lover has previously complimented, and lay out towels you have warmed and oils and lubricants you have also warmed. Turn up the heat a bit and turn down the lights to simply create a “spa” feeling for complete unwinding. I have some honey, goose feathers, and an edible raspberry-and-mint rub I like to share as well.

First undress your partner, very slowly and gently. If your partner is open-minded to pagan ways, you should speak this incantation in his or her presence. If not, it is your silent prayer:

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Hands-On Pleasure: The Art of Mystical Massage

Set the stage for hands-on pleasure before you knead your lover’s body into ecstasy. Start with your favorite music. I prefer Indian ragas because they seem to have a naturally sexy rhythm. Whether it is classical guitar, angelic harps, or an ambient electronic band from Iceland, it should relax and bring pleasure. Light pink, red, and brown candles to create a loving, sexual atmosphere that is strongly grounded. Light incense your lover has previously complimented, and lay out towels you have warmed and oils and lubricants you have also warmed. Turn up the heat a bit and turn down the lights to simply create a “spa” feeling for utter unwinding. I have some honey, goose feathers, and an edible raspberry-and-mint rub I like to share as well.

First undress your partner, very slowly and gently.

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Lavender Love Massage Bars
Massage bars should look, smell, and feel luxurious. Cocoa butter is beloved for its delicious natural chocolate scent. I also recommend shea butter or mango butter as other options, for they are also sumptuous.
  1. • 3 ounces cocoa butter
    • 3 ounces beeswax
    • 3 ounces almond oil
    • 1 teaspoon of lavender essential oil
    • Soap bar molds (available at any craft store)

Slowly heat the beeswax, almond oil, and cocoa butter in a double boiler over low heat until just melted. Remove from heat. Add essential oil when mixture has cooled slightly. Pour into soap molds and cool until hardened, approximately two hours. Place in the freezer for a few minutes just before popping the bars out of the molds. To use, rub massage bar onto the skin—the warmth of the skin immediately melts the bar. Package your handmade massage bars in a pretty basket and give as a thoughtful gift.
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Metal Magic: Sacred Silver

Aligned with the planet and the god Mercury, silver is about communication. Silver has been associated with the moon for thousands of years. As such, it is a stabilizer of any crystal or gem. Rather than adding to the energy of a stone, it secures the energy and supports the gem.


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