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Claim Your Health: A Clary Sage Incantation

Here is a handy spell for physical well-being as well as a self-esteem boost. For this witchy approach to preventive medicine, take a green candle on a Friday, dress it with clary sage oil, and speak the following three times:

My health is mine, under this moon divine.

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Sowing Seeds for Forthcoming Bounties: A Waxing Moon Incantation

When the first narrow crescent of the waxing moon appears in the twilight sky, place a green candle on your altar beside a white lily or freesia. White flowers have the most intense aromas. Anoint the candle with tuberose or rose oil. Take a handful of seeds, such as sunflower, walnuts, or pistachios, still in their shells, and place them in front of the candle.

Close your eyes and recite aloud:

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Dream Job Incantation

Here is another spell that will attract new employment opportunities to you, and one that does not have the prerequisite of a particular moon phase. Light a gold candle and place it in a special place beside a chunk of shiny gold pyrite. Repeat this incantation eight times while holding the stone in your right hand. In your mind’s eye, form an image of the job you most desire as you speak:

To see what the future holds,

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Make Way This Day: A Simple Clarity Intonation

Unless you are already a skilled practitioner of the magical arts, you may well be unconsciously casting spells that throw obstacles in your path. To clear the way to greater wealth and happiness, during the new moon, pick one perfect white rose and sit in front of your altar with it. Light a white candle with your eyes closed. Empty your mind and breathe deeply. When you feel a buzzing at the crown of your head from inhaling and exhaling so mindfully, stare into the flame and repeat seven times:

I am alive. I have power. It is real.

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New Moon, New Friends

When I moved to San Francisco, I didn’t know a soul, but I used this tried-and-true trick to fill my life with friends.

On the first Friday after a new moon (Freya’s Day, which is ruled by Venus, is ideal for fun, love, flirtation, gossip, and good times), light amber incense. Anoint yourself with amber oil and dance around, arms flung out and upward. Say aloud:

I call upon you, friend Freya,
to fill my life with live and joy. I call upon you,
Goddess, to bring unto me that which I enjoy
in the form of people, wise and kind.
This I ask and give thanks for; blessed be.
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Anointing the Temple of Love: A Bed Blessing
Anoint your bed with this special charm:
  • Red cup or gothic goblet
  • Jasmine and rose essential oils
In your goblet, mix a half-teaspoon of jasmine oil and a half-teaspoon of rose oil. Hold it with both hands and speak these words:
In this bed, I show my love.
In this bed, I share my body.
In this bed, I give my heart.
In this bed, we are as one.
Here lies my happiness as I give and live in total joy.
Blessed be to me and thee.


As you say, “Blessed be,” flick drops of your bed blessing oil from your fingers all across the bed until the cup is empty. Now, lie down and roll around in the bed. After all, that is what it is for!

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Graceful Connection
Before you enjoy this friendly repast together, hold hands and recite this grace:
  1. Sister, brother, tribe of the soul, ones who care.
  2. Merry may we meet again to share.
  3. Breaking bread and quaffing mead,
    we draw closer in word and deed.
  4. Blessing of love to all!
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