Danu's Cauldron: Wisewoman's Ways, and Wild Fey Magic
Living in a sacred landscape, walking between the worlds in the veil of Avalon Glastonbury. Where the old gods roam the hills, and the sidhe dance beneath the moon...wander into the mists with me and let us see what we may find...
Eriu, returning to the great cauldron.
Arthurian tales tell us of the Holy Grail, not the cup of Christ, but a sacred vessel, a symbol of the goddess at the heart of the land, the sacred womb which sits in the centre of Annwfn- ‘the deep place’ of Welsh myth. In earlier tales it was a cauldron as mentioned in Preiddeu Annwn ‘The spoils of Annwn’, a poem by Taliesin as a great vessel at the heart of the land which was ’kindled’ by the breath of nine maidens, or priestesses. Here we find the sacred source, the well of Segais in Irish myth, the place where life and wisdom spring eternal and renewed. A sacred place at the centre of things.
We live in turbulent times, perhaps we always have, but I’m reminded at this time of my life to close my eyes and let my soul descend into the land and seek the cauldron, the grail, each time the waves of fear and fury sweep over the culture in which I live. Often its hard to look within, to step by step choose the descent, to begin the journey back to centre when so much tempts us to act and react, when so much uncertainty and even violence surround us. Yet we must go back to that sacred place within, to drink from the grail and seek its precious ambrosia for our souls. When we live in times that seem so determined to turn our earth into a wasteland, we must each of us become the gardeners and make our own eden…this is just when we are each needed to hear the call of the great cauldron the most. When we each must set out on the quest, to seek the grail once more and draw blessings and blessedness back to the world.
I find my way to the grail, to the great cauldron by simple things, daily rituals as I light the fire, and call in my allies to watch over the home at night, time spent with my loved ones, tending the earth planting flowers and vegetables, spending time in the trees….but sometimes opportunities come along to really connect with the deep energies of the land and send out a vast wave of magic and blessedness. A few weeks ago I was fortunate enough to be part of a large Beltane ceremony at Uisneach, the mythological centre of Ireland. Hundreds gathered to light the Beltane fire and send blessings across the land, when the great cauldron represented by a hundred priestesses was met by the great spear of Lugh, represented by a large number of men with fiery torches, who lit the giant bonfire. We were witnessed by hundreds of people, all calling in the blessings of Beltane and honouring Eriú, the Sovereign goddess of Ireland. It was one of the most magical nights of my life, and filled my heart to the brim, reminding me that in turbulent times like these, when all seems to be changing we need only touch the land to return to centre, to honour the earth, if we wish to find what is healthy, what is true.
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