Pagan Culture - Sex & Relationships
Erotic Piercings and Bodymods
Erotic Piercings and Bodymods
by Sheela Ardrian
“It’s all about the pain — the jewelry and ink are just souvenirs.” This saying has appeared on buttons, t-shirts, and other accessories throughout the bodymod community. They’re onto something, too; traditional cultures have long taught magical and spiritual growth through body modification. Permanent body modifications come with pain, but pain can also lead to altered states of consciousness. Let’s take a look at some of the contemporary options for sexy decorations.
Your Intuition Is Your Friend
Your Intuition Is Your Friend
Fighting Sexual Abuse in the Pagan Community
by Laurel Stone, artwork by Cynthia Rudzis
WARNING: This article uses frank language to discuss issues of sexual coercion and assault. If you’re a rape, incest, abuse or sexual assault survivor, reading this article may be triggering for you. Reader discretion is advised.
hhh, Summer. Flowers, green grass, flickering bonfires, mead. A young Pagan’s fancy turns to recreation. Or is that procreation? In other words: sex. I’m no prude, and I think that what happens between two or more consenting adults is their own business. But note that word, “consent.” Without consent, sex is no longer a Pagan sacrament. It’s assault, pure and simple.