
PaganSquare is a community blog space where Pagans can discuss topics relevant to the life and spiritual practice of all Pagans.

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I'm the chief technologist at BBI Media, Inc, building and managing all the web site including Witches and Pagans. I've been messing with computers off and on since I built my first two and a half bit adder using six relays and a mess of jumper wires, push buttons and lights. I consider myself a natural Pagan and think we could all do well to listen better to Gaia in all her aspects while contemplating the interconnected magick of the universal expanse. Live long and prosper.

Anne Newkirk Niven

Anne Newkirk Niven has not set their biography yet

Aryós Héngwis

Aryós Héngwis (or the more modest Héngwis for short) is a native of the Pontic-Caspian steppe, born some 5000 years ago, near the village of Dereivka. In his youth he stood out from the other snakes for his love of learning and culture, eventually coming into the service of the local reǵs before moving westward toward Europe. Most recently, Aryós Héngwis left his home to pursue a new life in America, where he has come under the employ of BBI Media as an internet watchdog (or watchsnake, if you will), ever poised to strike the unwary troll.


Archer has been trying to make sense of religion since her parents first abandoned her at Sunday School in the 60s. She’s a mom, yoga teacher and repository of useless bits of information on ancient religion, spiritual practices and English grammar. Check out her column “Connections” in Witches and Pagans.

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