PaganSquare is a community blog space where Pagans can discuss topics relevant to the life and spiritual practice of all Pagans.
Super User
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I'm the chief technologist at BBI Media, Inc, building and managing all the web site including Witches and Pagans. I've been messing with computers off and on since I built my first two and a half bit adder using six relays and a mess of jumper wires, push buttons and lights. I consider myself a natural Pagan and think we could all do well to listen better to Gaia in all her aspects while contemplating the interconnected magick of the universal expanse. Live long and prosper.
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Anne Newkirk Niven
Anne Newkirk Niven has not set their biography yet
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Animal Sacrifice, the wild hunt, pantheon foundation, Silver Ravenwolf, Peter Paddon, Roma culture, John Halstead, civil rights, church and state, Charlie Hebdoe, Politics, corporations, Feminism, Swords, Rage, hecate, santeria, nudity, Military, Marion Zimmer Bradley, festivals, sacred sites, omnivorism, megaliths, low carbon, earth religion, interfaith, Freemasonry, Heathenry, Wicca, LGBT, HobbyLobby, Sex magick, witch hunts, PaganNewsBeagle, FieryTuesday, Secularism, SCOTUS, religious right, Goddess conference, Green Egg, goblins, rainbow gathering, Froud, eastern european paganism, occult history, Hellenic polytheists, devotional polytheism, pagan clergy, Ronald Hutton, religious nones, Pagan Fiction, voudoun, Voudou, templeofaphrodite, Santa Muerte, Nemisis, separation of church and state, climate change, pantheacon, Lupa Greenwolf, College Pagans, vegetarianism, trees, Standing stones, Gaian, Pan, pagan families, indigenous, technology, fundamentalist, academia, protection, Oshun, Lammas, affordable care act, activism, Whales, water, Texas, Ocean, Cherry Hill Seminary, Carol Kirk, Italy, Isis Oasis, socialism, sustainable, Paganism, herbalism, Thor, shamanism, Hinduism, comic book gods, space, Milky Way, Crowley, archeology, Margot Adler, Satanism, Hobby Lobby, deism, Pub Moot, Faery, Christine Hoff Kraemer, earth-based spirituality, forest, bees, permaculture, temple, next-generation Paganism, atheism, sacred space, heathen ritual, hearing voices, Harry Potter, ancient Greece, Pagan consent culture, Pagan civil rights, pagan studies, gender issues, African Spirituality, surfing, Heathen, veganism, pagan environmental coalition, Joanna Powell Colbert, herbal healing, fracking, Yazidi, cherokee, scotland, memory, golden eagle, brain science, Yazidis, sexual abuse, pagan activism, moral monday, 10 commandments, Witches, Oberon Zell, Ivo Dominguez Jr, New Alexandrian Library, mushrooms, dark sky protection, New Mexico, gardening, Goddess feminism, depression, Iceland, genocide, asatru, Faerie, Australia, Altars, solitary pagan, Pagan history, ebola, ancestors, environment, solar power, Stonehenge, earth science, peace, Native American, Ferguson, death and dying, Crystal Blanton, Covenant of the Goddess, immanion press, volcano, holy sites, The Burning Times, sociology of religion, Naturalistic Pagans, wealth inequality, Z Budapest, Starwood festival, Pagan summer camp, Natalie Zaman, renewable energy, mass transit, bicyling, islamic state, John Becket, rewilding, Alexander, serotonin, occupy climate change, religious minorities, geology, recycling, urban planning, polytheism, Islam, Chinese Buddhism, American Academy of Religion, sorcery, Burning Man, ozone, polar vortex, esoteric, Gardnerian, sekhmet, morality, Earth centered Buddhism, Pagan Pride, pagan community, kickstarter, empathy, farming, space exploration, astronomy, Canadian Pagans, Witchs Garden, values, sikhism, Holt vs Hobbs, Supreme Court, star gazing, philosohpy, pagan academics, tulpamancer, storytelling, Elders, threefold law, Pagan artists, graveyard, Samhain, sustainable burial, autumn, feminist witchcraft, witch hunting, deep ecology, religious violence, bioneers, GMO, lunar, Neolithic, Monarch butterflies, ley lines, yoga, mysteries, greek culture, Eleusinian Mysteries, food, pro-life, sea level rise, dowsing, vikings, spiral dance, jason mankey, Dia de los Muertos, Mother Goddess, greek mythology, Canaanite deities, Aphrodite/Venus, jewitch, mental illness, pagan in the US military, WeMoon, Occultism, shrines, Gay Pride, Mother Earth, Glastonbury, agriculture, shinto, Diwali, Brazilian magick, Afro-Caribbean, witchcraft, selena fox, halloween, broom, rock-n-roll, Halloween in schools, Max Dashu, holiday display, witch store, salem, Circle Sanctuary, urban trees, Pete Pathfinder Davis, Morning Glory Zell, Judy Harrow, Donald Michael Kraig, gamergate, Ragnarok, Pele, element of fire, bats, frogs, penguins, sustainable farming, physician-assisted suicide, Folk Festivals, Haiti, telepathy, element of air, dinosaur, clouds, religious rights, opinion vs. facts, midterm elections, atheist, PaganNewswireCollective, Paganicon, Heather Greene, divination, USFS, pickling food, greenland ice, canyons, Bahai, Pagan-Christian relations, Folk Religion, minority religion, ancient gods, Phaistos Disk, roman mythology, fortune-telling, polygamy, Pagan rock, Maetreum of Cybele, fairies, blake kirk, urban gardening, yule, Germanic, ancient religions, sagittarius, Intersteller, Chiron, astrology, Pagans and the Land, New Religious Movements, British Traditional, magick, Krampus, Russian Pagans, PaganPro, Irish Pagans, Durga, wildlife, salamander, hiking, karen tate, Celtic knot, tattoos, Pagan Christmas, psychic, Peter Dybing, Pamela Coleman Smith, carbon sequestration, Winter Sosltice, New Zealand, christmas, Cahokia Mounds, silbury hill, Inuit, blacklivesmatter, restorative justice, Pagan greens, archaeology, Our Lady of Guadalupe, leaving religion, humanism, Eric O Scott, Mercury retrograde, Australian paganism, starhawk, Externsteine, Easter Island, sacred harvest festival, Amber Lotus, tiny house, environmental art, secular humanism, Vodou, ordination, Pagan Newswire Collective, Martin Luther King Jr, Jason Pitzl-Waters, Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, Holt v. Hobbs, element of water, Nornoriel Lokason, spiritual emergency, Japanese spirituality, mental health, Pagan therapy, Chas Clifton, communing with nature, organic farming, Paganism and sex, Buddism in America, Druidry, artificial intelligence, Manannan Mc Lir, T Thorn Coyle, Racism, Mary Kay Lundmark, CUUPS, Mormon, Afro-Brazilian, Tibetan Buddhism, American religion, anthropology, sheela-na-gigs, yahweh, black history, pagan festivals, Between the Worlds, co-housing, anti-capitalism, radical Paganism, Council of Witches, shekinah mountainwater, Humanistic Pagans, Feminist Theology, Ireland, st patrick, Irish, slavery, immigration, salem (TV series), Pagan Prison Ministry, Great Britain, Orkney, mother jones, satanist, Religious Freedom Restoration Act, spellwork for hire, marie laveau, L Ron Hubbard, magic garden, rosalee norton, gods&radicals, eco-friendly, cave cities, Wendell Berry, John Beckett, Earth Day, Sable Aradia, church vs state, Pope Francis, May Day, drought, Vampires, vegan, hecatedemeter, blackwitch, rhyd wildermuth, paganism and racism, Pagans in the military
Aryós Héngwis
Aryós Héngwis (or the more modest Héngwis for short) is a native of the Pontic-Caspian steppe, born some 5000 years ago, near the village of Dereivka. In his youth he stood out from the other snakes for his love of learning and culture, eventually coming into the service of the local reǵs before moving westward toward Europe. Most recently, Aryós Héngwis left his home to pursue a new life in America, where he has come under the employ of BBI Media as an internet watchdog (or watchsnake, if you will), ever poised to strike the unwary troll.
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moisture farming, gardens, agriculture, carbon farming, fukushima, trees, Whales, urban ecology, sexism, wildfires, christianity, interfaith, religion and science, jews, Secularism, horror, gaming, e-books, criticism, comics, Witches, tolkien, representation matters, dune, terrorism, sikhs, lebanon, european refugee crisis, daesh, halloween, religious communities, celtic polytheism, book lists, polytheism, global warming, citizen science, space exploration, synthetic biology, medicine, Hinduism, religious literacy, buddhism, Islam, steven universe, science fiction, undertale, young wizards, religious violence, japan, Feminism, Racism, Thanksgiving, many gods west, pagan community, patrick mccollum, parasites, indonesia, turkeys, american gods, gods of egypt, david bowie, roleplaying games, animation, refugee crisis, socialism, turkey, india, syrian civil war, midwinter, stone circles, Pilgrimage, South Africa, Ghosts, spirits, hauntings, good witch, bad witch, wind power, canada, bionics, depression, demographics, Vodou, myanmar, judaism, dragon age, japanese horror, christmas, arthurian mythology, nuclear proliferation, sexual assault, gun violence, santeria, signs & portents, tumblr, social media, PaganSquare, fixes, bugs, site updates, megaposts, october 31, Samhain, yuletide, yule, Winter Solstice, winter, spring, Renewal, Imbolc, PaganNewsBeagle, earthy thursday, earth, Element of Earth, News, pagan news beagle, ecology, biology, birth, death, rebirth, life, wolves, goats, climate change, clean air, religious minorities, faith, irreligion, dan halloran, leonard nimoy, forestation, fresh produce, dams, flowers, fungi, easter, Ostara, Spring Equinox, Vernal Equinox, Ireland, Divine Feminine, religiousity, herbal remedies, sustainability, gardening, traditional skills, Wicca, amerinds, religious law, insect repellant, animals, fracking, overfishing, Heathenry, religious freedom, Los Angeles, kelp, green energy, public prayer, artificial intelligence, civil rights, California, photosynthesis, aalto university, american history, technology, water, star wars, vinyl, tarot, Pagan history, mainstream media, volcanoes, Plants, Beltane, May Day, summer, Tengrism, sikhism, black lives matter, witch burnings, CUUPS, Elders, Pagans of Color, farming, earthquakes, chernobyl, batteries, liberation theology, atheism, Nepal, bigotry, james l. bianchi, Religious Discrimination, dualism, donations, natural history, puffins, living off the grid, local food, Memorial Day, activism, separation of church and state, environmentalism, chimpanzees, pagan festivals, cities, all natural, america, anti-Semitism, hindu nationalism, roma people, Politics, community, brazil, Pakistan, entomophagy, aquaculture, bees, gmos, indigenous peoples, muslim americans, heathens, first nations, Future Paganism, Cuba, rats, women in religion, ego-centric paganism, aymara, theology, Thor, the craft, game of thrones, Dungeons & Dragons, doctor strange, sacred places, john podesta, disabled persons, burma, military chaplains, Midsummer, lukumí, lore, falun gong, marine biology, space photography, alpha males, nuclear power, future of religion, zoroastrianism, mad max, wonder woman, fairy tales, ancient Greece, marvel, apaches, multiracial americans, Pope Francis, Christians, native rights, mythopoeic literature, Crowdfunding, mount shasta, smart cars, mental illness, mormonism, muslims, yoga, Summer Solstice, Litha, Stonehenge, Paganicon, renewable energy, geothermal energy, chemistry, taoism, confucianism, superheroes, jonathan strange & mr norrell, HooDoo, ancient egypt, Gay Marriage, marriage equality, obergefell v. hoddges, ancestor veneration, czechia, ukraine, spain, biofuels, fusion power, science, world religions, penny dreadful, Doctor Who, books, etsy, pixar, labels, pantheacon, malala yousafzai, owls, heat exposure, economic inequality, jains, once upon a time, salem witch trials, the legend of korra, warcraft, lgbr rights, violence, transwomen, soul food, Pagan Spirit Gathering, social justice, writing, moon, New York City, mars, vaccines, pluto, fertility, kyrgyzstan, slavic polytheism, ghostbusters, bookstores, the sword in the stone, video games, xena, anti-racism, intersectionality, social inequality, heathen community, art contests, alaskan natives, health, biofuel, architecture, witchcraft, villains, online harassment, China, syncretism, populism, history of magic, deborah ann light, parks, solar energy, buddhists, Lammas, Lughnasadh, autumn, transgender, Ragnarok, hercules, sharing economy, cecil, nudism, witch hunts, Morning Glory Zell, genetic engineering, daoism, racebending, norse mythology, Harry Potter, dc comics, body image, politics and religion, meat, maya, forest fires, food, drought, c.s. lewis, j.r.r. tolkien, fantasy, nuclear war, religious persecution, sex work, local mythology, hexfest, morning glory zell memorial foundation, poetic edda, green economics, neuroscience, extinction, The Walking Dead, hugo awards, ideological violence, Animal Sacrifice, lgbt rights, radiation, avas demon, cthulhu mythos, pluralism, elections, european migrant crisis, kemeticism, philippines, future of paganism, pesticides, motherhood, caucasian polytheism, black christianity, chinese christians, emberverse, fandom, fire emblem, immigration, humanitarianism, green roofs, sex, fatherhood, magnets, diet, magic, druids, keith james campbell, shinbutsu shugo, hayao miyazaki, shinto, problematic fiction, magical girls, nigeria, barriers, space habitation, falun dafa, macbeth, atlantis, Art, Egypt, Mabon, autumn equinox, sabbats, robots, thermal power, west african vodun, Terry Pratchett, ranma 1/2, goth culture, africa, nippo-korean relations, breastfeeding, sri lanka, Parenting, children, lord samhain, phaedra bonewits, Lucifer, the wild hunt, national geographic, mathematics, lampreys, human evolution, witchy, race bending, magic in popular culture, american indians, native americans, public religion, ancestors, michael howard, Cherry Hill Seminary, non-theistic paganism, tokyo olympics 2020, evolutionary biology, anti-science, dalai lama, yazdanism, age of mythology, sailor moon, cosplay, guns, cyberbullying, norway, greek mythology, druid college, problematic narratives, witchfest, masks, cultural appropriation, archaeology, venus, anthropology, orisa-ifá, freedom of religion, autumn festivals, day of the dead, webcomics, the devil, parliament of the worlds religions, religious leadership, israeli-palestinian conflict, gorillas, exoplanets, pumpkins, monsters, henry selick, silent hill, pokemon, fairies, jewish witches, multiple sclerosis, aliens, retrofuturism, religious extremism, french muslims, gunnerkrigg court, the sandman, the addams family, evil dead, Heathen, vietnam, religio romana, copyright and trademark law, heathenism, memorials, mari people, holiday shopping, space travel, geoengineering, islamophobia, hindus, asian mythology, twin peaks, refugees, xenophobia, outrage, gift-giving, poland, astronomy, psychology, spaceflight, Kabbalah, paganism in popular culture, solar power, Paganism, germanic mythology, good and evil, mental health, labyrinth, otherness, founding fathers, 2015, call for submissions, pagan literature, charity, Pagans in the military, crows, zuism, Abrahamic religions, germany, shenism, galavant, west african mythology, the wicked + the divine, Martin Luther King Jr, indigenous rights, hong kong, john dee, twelfth night, glass, consciousness, Meditation, calendars, alan rickman, childrens literature, the longest journey, taiwan, republican party, folk magic, Occultism, food waste, alcohol, stargazing, monotheism, Fire, homelessness, poverty, arab spring, south african paganism, Hellenismos, stalkers, protection magic, harassment, planets, slavery, linguistics, black history month, north korea, year of the monkey, weddings, pagan organizations, conservation, history of science, orangutans, roman von ungern-sternberg, religious reformation, europe, pagan conventions, cars, birds, asteroids, zika virus, science and religion, tagalog people, the witch, the revenant, science and magic, mysticism, pagan studies, trans rights, non-human intelligence, Jupiter, digital security, deforestation, werewolves, sumer, Vampires, pocahontas, weird, malaysia, donald trump, adolf hitler, john belham-payne, vikings, Horned God, hospitality, gravity, human space exploration, ecological disasters, afterlife, iran, Russia, apple, consent culture, Mythology, abrahamic faiths, leap years, pathology, aleister crowley, crouching tiger hidden dragon, tokyo ghoul, alzheimers, Pregnancy, ethology, h.p. lovecraft, israel, Eostre, witch hour, brussels, St. Patricks Day, dinosaurs, eggs, ruism, coloring, authoritarianism, Doreen Valiente, deities, rituals, permaculture, education, light, reality, yarsanism, millennials, weird fiction, chronicles of prydain, panama papers, fundamentalism, human remains, liliths lantern, shadow work, genetics, climatology, anatomy, gender issues, dark souls, ghost in the shell, crusader kings, mexico, libya, e-waste, Earth Day, egyptian mythology, energy, rocket science, religion, astrology, morality, harrow county, the librarians, tabletop gaming, genocide, palestine, pagan families, identity, yellowstone, autism, peanuts, preacher, heroism, cyborgs, compost, heritage, eva green, snow white, his dark materials, boko haram, white privilege, pornography, canadian paganism, Maat, african-american magic, sudden oak death, paleontology, african mythology, witch trials, european union, runes, the dead, antarctica, religious community, hindutva, constantine the great, publishing, religion and politics, Pagans, language, friday the 13th, urban design, memory, hell, singapore, democracy, wands, black girl magic, biological sex, beer, Syria, harambe, pollution, neanderthals, zoos, karma, chinese philosophy, polynesian mythology, willow, the flying witch, gender identity, Australian paganism, fireflies, diabetes, sexual predators, brexit, tibet, carbon sequestration, plastic, pulse shootng, the witcher, swiss army man, pro-life, pro choice, abortion, mythic, little witch academia, nature religion, michigan pagan fest, shrines, biochemistry, outlander, hillary clinton, pagans in prison, wind energy, evolution, shamans, psychic assault, protective magic, free trade, Easter Island, air pollution, self care, sex trade, nativism, democrats, europa, religious art, pacifism, religious activism, Pagan art, food magic, chinese folk religion, midnight sun, louisiana, venezuela, vladimir putin, jedi, adventure, overwatch, modernism, fashion, sin, astrochemistry, tasmanian devils, hungry ghost festival, studio ghibli, stephen king, laika, catholic church, prisoners, mother teresa, tunisia, alt right, 9/11, reproduction, 3d printing, astrobiology, gods&radicals, conversion, astral projection, quantum mechanics, science and politics, mysticore, the magicians, african religion, oral tradition, star trek, Pop Culture, let the right one in, indian americans, yeast, hurricane matthew, human rights, Australia, clergy, blessings, pagans in politics, vaishnavism, jack chick, pagan activism, weather magic, energy poverty, burkina faso, all hallows eve, Samhuinn, primitivism, graveyards, standing rock, evan mcmullin, bhutan, chickens, mass transit, coworkers, jobs, communication, holocaust, mongolia, Nazis, Standing Rock Sioux, thailand, winter sunstead, relationships, pagan students, Canadian Pagans, familiars, mesopotamian polytheism, theism, wheel of the year, bats, zoology, cultural approproation, fascism, pagan publishing, climate refugees, alternative facts, romance, humanism, anime, France, ghana, cameroon, race, sociology, science education, polling, Margaret Atwood, gene wilder, trade, homeopathy, castlevania, romania, tanzania, Indigenous Spirituality, egyptian polytheism, darkness, afro-caribbean religions, mugyo, resistance, Glastonbury, caves, jainism, primordial life, planetary science, occult services, warriors, cao dai, religion in america, lead, march for science, hindu americans, religion in china, herbal medicine, paleoburrows, pagan resources, nature, british paganism, google earth, black holes, resident evil, samurai jack, neil gaiman, iron fist, the chronicles of narnia, ethiopia, georgia, mice, artificial wombs, beginners guide, chernobyl nuclear disaster, chocolate, sexual abuse, stem cells, the leftovers, Sun, sandman, curses, hexes, dark matter, Saturn, fall equinox, dragon awards, homestuck, trans people, space, cryptocurrency, new years, jol, fall, Brigid, Satanism, Satan, protection, parenthood, family, divination, Walpurgisnacht, festivals, groundhog day, Equinox
Archer has been trying to make sense of religion since her parents first abandoned her at Sunday School in the 60s. She’s a mom, yoga teacher and repository of useless bits of information on ancient religion, spiritual practices and English grammar. Check out her column “Connections” in Witches and Pagans.
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Da Vincis Demons, Waking Up, nightmares, obsession, suffering, yoga, mindfulness, forgiveness, Eclectic, buddhism, leaving the castle, something's wrong, ashram, Twelve Wild Swans, buddha, self-loathing, self-compassion, persephone, consolation, being human, Shiva, self-esteem, loki, crush, Silence, Meditation, Pagan, odin, surrender, touching the earth, Winnicott, Hide and Seek, being found, Cupid and Psyche, The Hanged Man, The Fool, tarot, messing up, learning a lesson, wandering, Letting Go, contemporary Goddess worship, acceptance, mystery, immanent goddess, stepping out of your story, identity, addiction, compassion, fan fiction, hurt/comfort, imagination, Jesus, Mary, Dying God, Mother Goddess, Christo-Paganism, fear, Doctor Who, Gorgon, Haunting, prometheus, christ, devil, wonder, quantum physics, feynman, feeling stuck, Covid-19, transformation, Home, Hestia, Hermes, hearth fire, witnessing, holding space, angels, theater, masks, high definition TV, Dionysos, walking meditation, Pilgrimage, Ocean, emptiness, Camino, Virgin Mary, rumpelstiltskin, lighthouse, ivory tower, danae, Zeus, unknown lover, Psyche and Eros, devotion, pain, nature, bodhisattva, wing, veil, taking the veil, isis, winnowing, wicker, soul, life lessons, one continuous mistake, failure, Dr. Strange, amber, tears of the goddess, joy, the void, anxiety, transcendence, lost child, oedipus, Mr Rogers, childhood, inner child, ram dass, sangha, turning people into trees, mountains, loss, aging, Mother-Daughter Bond, kid, heraclitus, Fire, called out, coming home, fate, the gods, hearts of gold, depression, Holiday Depression, Descent into the underworld, earth-based practices, still point, stars, Hope, desire, offering, sacrifice, taking refuge, imperfection, Dharma, space, sacred circle, open but unbroken, infinity, horizon, Socrates, Hypatia, Da Vinci, all saints, night sky, Artemis, shellwork, magic, grammar, scapegoating, cancelling, apocalypse, end of the world, Jehovahs Witnesses, pagan post-apocalyptic fiction, Biblical language, runestone, runes, magical letters, letters, alphabet, trauma, wounds, ritual, Wicca, Spirituality Flexibility, Imagery, Gods, pagan gods, mothers, humility, achievement, family, growing up, love, denial, unbelief, metaphysical, trees, roots, knock on wood, hubris, Blue Jays, Baseball, zen buddhism, uncertainty, play, Why Paganism, Hate read, Dharma not drama, christianity, Jungian, reverence