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Altar Herbs

Refer to this list whenever you are setting up your altar and setting your intention for ritual work. It is a concise guide to the enchanted realm of herbs, essences, plants, and plant properties.

Benzoin can be used for purification, prosperity, work success, mental acuity, and memory.

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Who Is My True Love? Pendulum Power

If you have any doubts about a friend’s intentions or actions, try using a pendulum to help you determine the truth. I take my pendulum, a lovely striated quartz, everywhere I go to answer those tough yes-no questions that crop up daily. Pendulums are available with many different stones and crystals, but you can make one from any number of herbs, as well.

Take a twelve-inch length of string and choose one of the following herbs. Experiment to see which one works best for you:

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Herbal Wreaths: Bring Love into Your Home

Oftentimes, your kitchen is the heart of the home. Something about cooking and sharing food brings people together. An herbal wreath hanging on the kitchen door can be a source of love and luck. You’ll need the following for your creation:

  • Freshly cut herbs of your choice
  • A wire wreath frame, available from most craft stores
  •  Either string or florist’s wire, ribbon, and perhaps a hot glue gun

This is truly one of the simplest craft projects you can ever make. Simply utilize the wreath frame as a base, and use string or the florist’s wire to anchor the fresh herbs into place. Finish it off with a colorful ribbon or other magical decorative touches you may want to add.

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Manifesting Magic Box: Sweet Herbs of Love

The sweet scent of petals and herbs can bring love when you cast this spell. Try to perform this spell during a full moon. 

    • A small lidded box
    • 1 rose quartz crystal
    • 1⁄2 cup fresh red and pink rose petals
    • 1 whole vanilla bean, chopped
    • 1⁄3 cup dried woolly thyme
    • A pinch of ground cinnamon
    • Piece of white paper and a pen 

Mix the flowers and herbs together and fill the bottom half of the box with the mixture. Then write five qualities you want in a new lover on the piece of paper. They should be a mix of personality traits along with physical characteristics. For example, I did this in a few years ago and wrote that I wanted a love with long black hair. Sure enough, I met a handsome man with beautiful, waist-length black hair. This manifesting magic works! Fold the paper at least once so it will fit into the box. Fill the rest of the box up with the herbs. Nestle the crystal in the herbs right at the top, then close the lid. Each night, open the box up and take a sniff to remind you of your search for true love. 

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
Bay Leaf Money Magic

Harvest several leaves from your neighborhood Bay laurel treeor just from the space rack in your cupboardand place them inside a clear bowl on your altar overnight. In the morning, remove the leaves and let them dry in your kitchen window. Touch the water to your fingertips and touch your purse, wallet and anywhere you keep money. If you handle money at your workplace, bottle some of the bay leaf water in a tiny jar and do the same. Once the soaked leaves have dried, place in your wallet, purse and pockets, and it will attract money to you and yours. (It also repels thieves and loss of wealth.) You can also put some bay leaves in your desk at home or work to enhance prosperity for your employer, or before asking for a raise. Thursdays are the ideal day for this but try this anytime the need arises!

Prosperity herbs and plants: bay leaf, bayberry, basil, chamomile, cloves, cinnamon, honeysuckle, Irish moss, mint, strawberry leaves, Tonka beans

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Green Magic - Basil Abundance Ritual

Take a few sprigs of basil before you cook and put them in a green bowl on your kitchen altar. Boil water as for tea and pour over the herb in the bowl. Now chant this medieval-inspired charm:

With bounteous hand and healthful balm,
Blessed basil, most verdurous herb
Bring me health and heart and calm.
Abundance I shall see by every deed and verb.
And so it is.
Breathe in the steam from the basil bowl and fill your lungs with the smell of prosperity. Repeat the spell once more; leave the basil bowl on your altar for 24 hours. Not only will your thinking be greatly clarified, but you will begin to see signs of your wealth increasing in one week. With basil flourishing in your herb pots, you have a ready source bursting with positive money energy.
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Dark Moon Magic: Symbol Writing

If you wish to make direct contact with your subconscious, here is a way to see through the veil between two worlds and enter the recesses of your mind. At any herbal store or metaphysical shop, obtain dried mugwort, dried patchouli or wormwood. The latter is a bit harder to come by, but worth the try.

Crumble any one of these herbs between your hands until it is gently ground into an almost-powdery consistency. Pour the herb into a baking pan. Make sure the crumbled herb dust is evenly spread over the surface of the pan.

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