PaganSquare is a community blog space where Pagans can discuss topics relevant to the life and spiritual practice of all Pagans.
Food can be foreplay! Feeding each other can be a wonderful prelude to a night of lovemaking, and of course, a little strategically placed whipped cream and chocolate is a delicious lover’s treat. The following is a list of amazing aphrodisiacs that will ensure pleasure and arousal and help you explore the erotic possibilities of your witch’s pantry fully:
Almonds or erotically shaped marzipan
Set the stage for hands-on pleasure before you knead your lover’s body into ecstasy. Start with your favorite music. I prefer Indian ragas because they seem to have a naturally sexy rhythm. Whether it is classical guitar, angelic harps, or an ambient electronic band from Iceland, it should relax and bring pleasure. Light pink, red, and brown candles to create a loving, sexual atmosphere that is strongly grounded. Light incense your lover has previously complimented, and lay out towels you have warmed and oils and lubricants you have also warmed. Turn up the heat a bit and turn down the lights to simply create a “spa” feeling for utter unwinding. I have some honey, goose feathers, and an edible raspberry-and-mint rub I like to share as well.
First undress your partner, very slowly and gently.
Centuries before there was Viagra, there was yohimbe root, now commonly sold in health food stores. Yohimbe is a very potent natural way to maximize any man’s vigor before a special night. Gather the following ingredients for this tea:
• 1 part myrrh
• 1 part yohimbe root
Make an incense by grinding together these ingredients with your mortar and pestle. For the tea, take the root and slice into thin slivers, as you would slice ginger root. When you have at least a half dozen slices, place into a two-cup teapot and pour in two cups of freshly boiled water. Let it steep for five full minutes,
For heightened and sustained erotic pleasure, try this sacred spell. Gather up these elements:
- 2 goblets
- 2 roses, 1 red and 1 white (“fire and ice”)
- Nutmeg
- Fine red wine
- 1 yard of red thread
- Red ink and a slip of paper
- Rose essential oil
- Bowl of strawberries
Sprinkle a dash of nutmeg in each goblet. Uncork a bottle of fine red wine for later, allowing it to breathe.
- 2 red candles
- Your favorite essential oil (mine is vamber, a concoction of equal parts vanilla and amber oils that makes me feel instantly erotic)
- Thorn of a rose
Take the two red candles and anoint them with your essential oil. Take the thorn and scratch your name on one candle and your lover’s name on the other.
Anoint yourself between your breasts and over your heart, and then speak these words aloud twice:
- Tonight, under this moon’s light,
we will fall under each other’s spell. - Tonight, under these stars so bright,
- we will ignite a fire and never quell.
- With these lips, this mouth, and my art
- I will explore the sacred mysteries
of the human heart.
Nowadays, you can buy body glitter almost anywhere. I’ve noticed that we witchy types were way ahead on the glitter curve. Whether it is baby powder, body glitter, or the edible Honey Dust sold by the inimitable Kama Sutra body product company, start with a powder that feels comfortable on your body. Get the following supplies:
- Your chosen powder
- 1 drop of amber essential oil
- 1 drop of vanilla essential oil
- 1 teaspoon lotus root powder
- 1⁄4 teaspoon cinnamon (ground)