Tarot Templates: A Card A Day Creates Magic
Tarot can be used for many things including futurecasting. This blog will focus on Tarot as a tool for introspection including spreads, readings, individual card explorations and investigating themes of Tarot. You can expect discussions of magical uses of Tarot as well. If you have a question, please send it for possible inclusion in a blog topic.
SPREAD: Life's Path
As a professional Tarot conversationalist (I prefer that to reader), I hear a wide variety of questions. One of the ones I hear more often that not is a variation on "where am I supposed to be going." Often I am asked “What does life have in store for me?” or “What am I supposed to be doing with my life?” or “I feel stuck right now. Am I on the right path?”
These are questions many of us have even if we don’t ask them outloud. We wonder where we are going and if we really are supposed to get there. I think it’s a combination of societal/family pressures and our own need for assurance. In thinking about this particular area of questioning, I decided I needed a spread more dedicated to offering creative solutions.
I don’t like pat answers. I prefer being given tools that will help me grow. If someone is going to give me everything on a spoon, I am more inclined to whine about the flavor or the temperature than if I got it my own danged self. So this spread is designed with that in mind. How can we work on this tough question for ourselves?
The following spread is an actual reading for an actual client. I will not name this person. You can see how I read for folks and what my process is during an email reading. Phone readings are very similar except I don’t write it all down. The querant is in charge of taking notes. With both I do provide images of the cards so you can see what I am seeing. Sometimes things pop off a card that I don’t pay attention to but mean something to the person I’m reading for.
Life’s Path
1. Where Am I Now? This card is to give you a marker as to where you are on the journey right now. It’s the beginning point.
2. What Is My Primary Motive? Here we take a look at what really moves you in life.
3. What Is My Main Concern? This is to see what your primary anxiety is. What’s bugging you the most?
4. Why Am I Here? This is a lesson card. We need to understand why we’ve chosen to be here. What is the lesson of this moment?
5. Where Am I Supposed To Be? This is not a location card per se. It is a directional card. This is the next step on your path.
6. What Roadblocks Are In My Way? Often we are in our own way so this can be useful to see how we are stopping our own progress.
7. What Tools Am I Not Using? We all have strengths. Some of them we don’t use as much as others. This is something you need to be using more.
8. What Opportunities Are In The Potential Future? Just a heads up on what you could be looking out for.
9. What Is My Life’s Purpose? A big question–this card is geared towards getting you to think about why you might be here.
10. Final Advice? This is the Universe’s last chance in this spread to deliver a message you may be missing.
What about you? What questions would you ask?
Image: Ten of Swords from the Deviant Moon Tarot
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