My Mother Path

My path through discovering myself as a mother, teacher and self.

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Laurie Novotny

Laurie Novotny

I am a wife and mother of three children, a Reiki Master Teacher, a Belly Dance Instructor as well as a very curious creature.

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I’ve often wondered about portals. Most of what I’ve read talks about places being portals. Yet what about people? Is it possible for a person to be a portal or just to be some type of attracting mechanism for spirits?

All my life I’ve experienced spirits, no matter where I lived. There was a time when this experience seemed to leave my life, but I think it was more because I was focusing and preoccupied by other events in my life.

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  • Ashley Rae
    Ashley Rae says #
    Awesome story, I couldn't stop readings. Consider writing a memoir - I'd buy it! To address your question, as a teacher of medi
  • Paola Suarez
    Paola Suarez says #
    Loved your post Laurie. Featured it on my Goddess Spiral Health Coaching FB page: Perfect post for Sa

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I love dinner table time.  Always have.  It's a time where we all sit around and talk, laugh, throw each other under the bus and have deep conversations.  

A couple Saturdays ago was one of my favorite nights.  The kids were all talking about stuff, nothing out of the ordinary, just general stuff.  Then my youngest (who will be 10 in a couple weeks) says that she sometimes sees us and God together, as if the Earth is inside God's stomach and when someone dies he is given birth again through God.  Hmmmm, that was an interesting concept, one that I wouldn't have thought that she would think of.  

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  • Laurie Novotny
    Laurie Novotny says #
    Greetings Lizann! I know in our house we encourage our kids to ask any question that is on their mind without fear of mockery fro
  • Lizann Bassham
    Lizann Bassham says #
    Thank you! Great column. I worked with middle and high school kids for over 30 years and have found recently the younger kids are

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Building a Tree

I have wanted a Tree of Life pendant for a few years now.  I look at them then think "I can make one of those."  But it's finding the time to actually make one.  

A couple weekends ago, my husband was going to go to work in Maryland (six hours from where we now live), so I decided it would be a good time to start, so I started the circle.  The weekend was going to hold just my girls and I again and we didn't have any plans, great time to start crafting.  They love it when I sit and craft.  I love it as well, it calms me, grounds me and helps me remember who I am deep inside.

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  • JudithAnn
    JudithAnn says #
    What a beautiful Tree of Life and meaningful story of it's creation. You inspire me to try my hand and making this symbol as a rem

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I’ve been fighting this post for some reason.  I have so many topics that have been running through my mind.  I start to put my ideas down on computer screen and something will happen in my life that takes me into a different direction and onto a different topic.

I’m a Reiki Master/Teacher and thrive when I have some grounding time.  But grounding time is one of the many things missing in my life now.  I would arrive at my belly dance classes about 15 minutes early which would give me time to practice, to dance, to listen to the beat of the music, to be barefoot and feel the wooden floor beneath my feet, and move.  This was great grounding time for me.  I found that over the six weeks that my class spanned, I regained my sensitivity to others around me.  Yup, let’s add empath onto my list of things that I am.         

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  • JudithAnn
    JudithAnn says #
    Laurie, Thank you for this sharing of your experience. I am well along my path in the journey to the Goddess, yet I too often for

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In a house with three kids and a busy husband, it’s hard to find peace.  Just finding time to watch a movie without falling asleep is a challenge.  I work a full-time job and my husband is self-employed full-time as well as he just started to work part time for a company which will at some point turn into a full-time job (and hopefully decrease the self-employment), makes it hard enough.  But when his self-employment takes him six hours away for a week or two at time, all I can say is “ugh.”  I don’t know if it’s easier now that the kids are out of school or if it were easier when they were in school.

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  • Laurie Novotny
    Laurie Novotny says #
    Thank you Lizann! I don't know what I would do if we didn't have the chaos. Oh, and the belly dancing is wonderful!
  • Lizann Bassham
    Lizann Bassham says #
    Blessings on the sacred chaos - and the belly dancing!

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