Crone in Corrogue: Wild Wisdom of the Elder Years
Glorying in the elder years, a time of spirituality, service and some serious sacred activism
Find Your Anchor
I am thinking that anchors are probably cast iron which can corrode, but the earliest ones were huge rocks. Ancient Greeks are alleged to have filled hollow logs with lead. But iron was the first choice of metal for anchors. Which then led me on to the fairy tradition of being averse to iron. Iron is only used when they wish to sever ties with a particular realm or dimension forever. Which may be why they landed on Iron Mountain when the Tuatha dé Danaan pitched up in Eireann. Also why they are alleged to have been piking it back to Iron Mountain after their defeat at the Second Battle of Moytura and their subsequent shift into the sídh.
The global news in grim and it is understandable why you might be rubbing some haemotite and mumbling 'Beam Me Up, Scotty!."
We are at an extraordinary point this Lunasa, when John Barleycorn is set to die. All around our acre I see plants setting seed and some turning in slow mo in the breeze. It is time to let go and let the seed free to find new ground. Or to beginning to collect it for a spring seed bank.
But then there is that paradox. How to remain centred, or anchored, when all around you are choppy waters, storms, and earth trembles. We are coming into tropical storm and hurricane season. Tornadoes whip up in the heat of Lunasa. Rising temperatures are killing the aged and infirm in heat waves. Flash fires spark into life in dry conditions. All of these are manifestations of Lunasa's weather patterns in various parts of the world.
Witches and pagans have practices that follow the lunation. But in these troubling times I feel it is most importatant to find a daily spiritual practice. It can be very difficult to shoehorn in a daily spiritual practice, but find one that works with your life pattern. It is no good trying to mimic the wisdom of those who tell you to do this meditation or that yoga or the other if it will not fit into the daily rythmn of your life and all its duties and responsibilities.
It can be as simple as singing a chant in the shower every morning. Or lighting a candle when your family gathers for supper. Whatever can be shoehorned into your day - every single day -let it be celebrated. Find your daily anchor.
Find one that will keep you centred and afloat when the storms are tossing your boat. At this New Moon find a daily spiritual practice that will not be corroded by your duties and responsibilities to job, home, family, and community. Anchor your precious life. And may it become like Excaliber when the time is righ
Blog featured image Photo by Lucas Sankey on Unsplash
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