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SageWoman Blogs

At SageWoman magazine, we believe that you are the Goddess, and we're devoted to celebrating your journey. We invite you to subscribe today and join our circle...

Here in the SageWoman section of PaganSquare, our bloggers represent the multi-faceted expressions of the Goddess, feminist, and women's spirituality movements.

Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

A Spell for Beltane:

Gather up some soft petals
and hold them to your lips.
Let them whisper to you of pleasure.
Do not let it fade away.
May you connect to those things
that bring you pleasure,
those things that bring you joy,
let them speak to you of
the wellspring of joy that rests within.
Let them sing to you of wonder and delight,
of your own magic,
of things once lost
that can be found.
Breathe deep
and make a vow of commitment to your life
as it breathes now,
to your body
as it stands now.
Make a promise,
deep and silent,
secret and strong
to your own magic nestled within.
Take one petal for pleasure,
one petal for joy,
one petal for delight,
one petal for magic.
Press them against your skin,
let them soak in.
One by one,
the spell is done. 


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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

Ode to April:

you arrive with thunder and wind 

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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

The things I need to flourish are simple:
sunshine and the moon,
raindrops and wind,
long walks through woods
and along shorelines,
time alone every day
with a prayer book,
my pen and the sacred,
laughter in the company of others,
time to do my work
without apology,
time outside every day
with my eyes open
and my phone inside,
heart-listening and soul-tending
in the center of my own life.

What do you need to flourish?

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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

May we nourish seeds
of possibility and joy.
May we tend to seeds of connection
and seeds of ideas.
May we nurture seeds of genius
and sparks of change.
May we gather up
what we’ve created
and hold it lovingly
and then open our hands
and let go.
May we plant what we can,
savor what we can,
harvest what we need to thrive,
and love where we are now,
hearts alive
and hopes extended.
May we be as full of promise
as a nestled seed,
lying in darkness
at the fiercest edge
of cracking open,
ready to see what grows.

Ostara blessings to all! May you nurture tender seeds of possibility.
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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

One truth of being human
on this small and glorious earth
is that we carry whole worlds within us,
inner realms of infinite breadth and depth.
We also hold the capacity
to bring some parts of this invisible world
from the pool of the infinite
into physical form.
We are makers and knowers,
world benders and magic speakers.
The power is within us all the time.
We carry life's original fire,
the great flaring forth,
inside us at this very moment.
I am awestruck at this magic.

I'm preparing for a "Sacred She" ceremony with my local circle on Saturday. I'm finding it more challenging than I would have anticipated to ease back into working with a larger circle. I've been holding tiny circles for the last two years, but I haven't done much larger circle work since pre-pandemic.

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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

There are times in which
we are poised at the crossroads,
these waystations of choice and change.
We balance twin forces
of separation and connection.
We move within life’s ebb and flow,
an ongoing cycle of growth and renewal.
However tempting it might be
to set up camp in the middle,
to rest in the not-knowing place,
to linger in the liminal,
eventually we must choose a way.
May we have clarity in the choosing,
trust in the unfolding,
and faith in the journey.
May we listen to the thrum of purpose
that hums in our veins,
the whispers of longing that linger
on the wind,
the fiery core of resolve within our bellies,
the knowing in our bones.
And, collecting what we can of courage,
step through the choices,
our feet feeling the support
beneath them
as our sacred path spirals onward.


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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

Being in the world to see it,
is the best way to learn
its secrets and stories.
Walking with a poet’s eyes,
a dreamer’s mind,
and a witch’s heart,
is the best way to
fully inhabit
the story of your own life
as it is being written
right now.
Choosing to see
the magic
that is at work,
right now
exactly where you are,
is a radical and revolutionary act
of re-enchanting the world.


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