Hedge Witch: Into the Wilds…

Let me take you on a journey through the wilds of nature and back to the roots and bones of witchcraft, a natural witchcraft that works with the seasons and all the natural items that Mother Nature provides drawing on magical folk lore with a dash of hedge witch and gypsy magic too.

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Protection Charm

Protection charm


You will need:

A small crystal, shell or similar item to use as a charm.


This works well with a small crystal but you can use whatever you are drawn to, maybe a shell or a feather but you need to be able to carry the item with you.


If you can sit outside then do so.  Make yourself comfortable with the crystal in front of you.  If you are able to place it in direct sun or moonlight then even better, but in front of a candle flame also works well.  Sit quietly and gradually enter a meditative state.


Allow the positive energy from the crystal to enter your body on each breath you draw in and allow any negative energy to escape each time you breathe out.


Next expand the energy from the crystal so that it starts to surround you with a strong positive light.  Let it envelope you completely (but not restrictively) in a flexible bubble forming a body shield around you.  Enjoy the feeling of protection, move about, stretch your arms and legs and feel how the shield moves with you.


When you are ready focus on your breathing once more and allow the energy bubble to dissipate back into the crystal.  Carry the crystal with you as a tool to tap into any time you need to activate a personal protection shield.





Photo by Devin H on Unsplash

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Rachel is a witch...has been for a very long time, not the green skinned warty kind obviously...the real sort - but she is also a working wife and mother living in Hampshire, England who has also been lucky enough to write and have published a growing stack of books on the Craft. She loves to learn she loves to study and continues to do so each and every day but has learned the most from actually getting outside and doing it. She regularly gives talks and workshops at pagan events. Rachel is also founder and an Elder at the Kitchen Witch online school of witchcraft. She likes to laugh...and eat cake...


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