
Viking Chick Kaboom

Wiccan singer-songwriter Manda Ophuis, the lead vocalist in the Dutch symphonic rock band Nemesea named the band after the day the ancient Greek dedicated to the goddess Nemesis. She lists as her primary musical influences Anneke van Giersbergen, Tori Amos, Christina Aguilera, and Kelly Clarkson.


Viking Chick Kaboom
Symphonic Valkyrie Metal Unleashed
by Herr Sætyrbläde

Thunderstrike guitars! Fjord-deep bass! Power-throated Valkyries backed by evil Viking muppets! As bombastic as Wagner on crack, this musical Ragnarok is fun for Pagans, Christians and Devil-Huggers alike! Skol, m’lord! Blood and souls for the One-Eye’d One!

Okay… that description may be a smidge overstated. Still, where this heavy metal subgenre is concerned, the “top” is someplace you go over about ten seconds into your first song. A synergetic blend of Symphonic Metal, Viking Metal, Power Metal, Gothic Rock, Pagan Rock, and Medievalist Revival Rock (with flourishes borrowed from roots in folk music and Wagnerian orchestration), the genre I like to call “Viking Chick Kaboom” sounds a lot like Black Metal’s steaming hot little sister.

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