Gather your soul at the hearthfire of winter

Hold the embers of last year’s dreams

Celebrate the warmth of that which has ignited

Honor and release that which has grown cold

Rest for a moment in the grace of winter’s thoughtful spaces.



Happy New Year!

It is the first new moon of a new year and I worked up a Flying Woman 12440694_1696249130587302_4628168024963259367_oWomanrunes card layout to share (you may use it with any divination system you choose, of course!). The Flying Woman is the Rune of Transformation. She is perfect for the planning and inspiration present in a fresh new year. She is the card that has been tickling at my consciousness throughout my work in our Divination Practicum course and who turned up as my key theme for the year during 30 Days of Yule with Joanna Powell Colbert.

If you need help getting started with Womanrunes, check out a free intro course here (includes printable rune set): Introduction to Womanrunes

And, of course, copies of the books and cards are in my shop.