I'm sorry, but I don't want to hear it.

(Actually, I'm not at all sorry, and I really don't want to hear it. But this is, after all, Minnesota, and that's just what we say.)

Self-pity is sentiment unbecoming a witch.

That's why witches don't whine.

Witches never whine.

Whining = air pollution. Whining poisons the air around you. Whining poisons everyone around you.

Whining poisons you.

Witches don't have time to whine; witches are too busy doing.

If you're unhappy about something, change it.

Even if you can't change the world around you, there's still one thing that you can change.

What might that be? Hint: what's the witch's most important tool?

(If you said “athame,” you're wrong.)

Real witches don't waste time pitying themselves.

Real witches don't whine.

Real witches do.