Flame - Wikipedia


I spoke recently with a friend's young daughter concerning the well-known phenomenon of the Witch Eye. Like many of us, she's got one, too.

The stories all agree that we only get one Witch Eye each. Why only one? The answer is not far to seek.

A witch has one Witch Eye, not two, because you have to be able to see into both worlds: both this world, and the other. Otherwise, you couldn't function in both. Even witches need to take care of practical matters, too.

“What if we had two?” I ask her, posing a hypothetical that I've long wondered about.

Not missing a beat, she tells me. (12 going on 347.) Her response takes me between the eyes.

“Then everything would be on fire.”

Everything would be on fire.

Teacher, be taught.

Out of the Fire we come in the beginning, and to it, some day, we shall return.

Some day, little daughter, we shall see it: a world burning with Witch Fire.

With both eyes, we shall see it.




For MM, the brave