What's wrong with America? Mitch McConnell | READER COMMENTARY - Baltimore  Sun


Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But someday.

Someday—may it be soon—we'll hear the news that the Most Hated Man in America, the Hypocrite of Hypocrites, Obstructionist of Obstructionists, the Slaveholder of the Senate, has met his entirely natural, but long overdue, demise.

And bells of freedom will ring out across the land.


Ding! Dong! the Mitch is Dead!


Ding dong the Mitch is dead.

Which old Mitch?

The wicked Mitch.

Ding dong

the wicked Mitch is dead!


Hi ho the merry-O!

Sing it high,

sing it low:

wake up,

the wicked Mitch is dead!


He's gone where the nazzes go,

below, below, below,

yo ho!

So let's all dance and sing

and ring the bells out.



Hi ho the merry-O!

Sing it high,

sing it low:

let them know

the wicked Mitch is dead!