Dreaming about getting lost somewhere might be a sign from your subconscious that you have lost direction in your waking life. Perhaps you feel like you don’t quite fit in at school or maybe you just feel like you are somewhere you don’t really belong. Maybe you’ve surrounded yourself with people that don’t suit you, or you’re trying to adjust to new surroundings. Because your body and mind are taking time to adapt to these changes, those feelings of being “lost” find their way into your dreams. It’s also possible that you have realized that the path you are on is leading you somewhere that you don’t want to go. Maybe you are being pressured by friends or family to do something that isn’t right for you. Maybe you joined a new after-school club that’s not really your thing. You could be pushing yourself to be someone you’re not so that you can please the authority figures in your life or fit in better at school, and because of this, you’ve started to lose some of your sense of self.