I call upon the Goddess
She who weaves the whole.
I call upon the elements b2ap3_thumbnail_49343208_2244658619079681_8282815331932569600_o.jpg
Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.
I call upon my ancestors
the legacy of their years.
I call upon the creative pulse within
this fire of inspiration
I am privileged to carry and birth.
I call these together now to support,
recognize, honor, and witness
the completion of this year
and my work therein.

This week, I anointed my head, throat, heart and wrists with oil and settled down with representations of our work from 2018 for my annual ritual honoring the completion of the year. I burned incense, helped Tanner (4) waft palo santo around to all the stale corners of the house, and worked on the biz review section of the Shining Year workbook. I sang my new song of the year, celebrated myself for a year well spent, and thanked these creations for coming through me. After I acknowledged the work, I took a cleansing shower with a special salts mix from Sugar Muses and offered myself a body blessing of appreciation and gratitude. The words of blessing poured from me spontaneously in the shower and I wish I’d written it down for better recall, but perhaps it was meant as solely a personal experience. Today, I will walk the labyrinth as the final step in sealing the year. b2ap3_thumbnail_49444818_2244340859111457_2214261490280562688_o.jpg

I am listening
I am opening
I am learning
I am free.

There is something really special, and sadly uncommon, about sitting together and basically reviewing how awesome we are, instead of just zooming into 2019.  I found myself feeling really staggered and almost awed by the volume of things I created over 2018—in addition to all the physical products we created (6000 orders fulfilled, 90% of which are handmade!), I ran a six month priestess training, facilitated nine Red Tent retreats and a Pink Tent, produced a complete year’s worth of free content for the Everyday Magic classroom, wrote and published a new book of poetry, published the second edition of Womanrunes, revised and reprinted my Practical Priestessing workbook, had two chapters and a poem published in Inanna’s Ascent, produced a pdf ebook of “weekly wisdom” content, updated our coloring book, produced/updated eight pdf ritual kits, wrote at least four posts a week for Patreon, and continued to write for SageWoman and Feminism and Religion.

Holding a year-end recognition ceremony for myself helps me acknowledge and appreciate b2ap3_thumbnail_49213163_2244066965805513_528900333166919680_o.jpghow very full and very rich and very deep and very complex a year can be. I’d also like to acknowledge that it can feel like tooting your own horn to list out all the accomplishments of a year, but truly, it is about taking a sacred pause…a few moments to exhale to to know—it is good—before making plans and embarking on projects for 2019.

“Beginnings and endings are so very sacred, to give honor to all that has transpired, every experience, every joy, every pain, is a doorway to the magical. Hold your entire year between your hands, every day, every thought, every breath. Now bless it with gratitude, love and humility. You have done more to transform this new year than a thousand resolutions.”

–K. Allen Kay

Resources for Reflection: