Sometimes abundance looks suspiciously like chaos.

Life has been very, very busy lately. I am learning the meaning of abundance, I suppose, as both wonderful things and challenging things are happening, all at once. Each day feels like a cup filled past its brim. Taking a page out of a beloved friend's book, I have started giving each year a name, and in January I decided that 2013 would be the Year of Accepting All Gifts. Whoa-boy, did I do a number on myself with that!


There is magic living in the center of a storm. There is magic in taking one day at a time, one moment at a time - and chaos brings opportunities to practice "presence magic", as living moment to moment is often the only way to get through a trying day.

If magic is the art of changing consciousness at will (one of my favorite definitions of magic - thanks, Dion Fortune!) then my biggest and most consistent magical spell as of late has three components:

Keep Breathing.

Focus on what's going on right here, right now.

Do what you can with what you have, where you are. (a wonderful mantra from Teddy Roosevelt)

If I am breathing, energy is flowing. If I am aware/present, I can perceive where energy is flowing, and where I am being called. If I act with intention, taking into account my capacities, my resources, my abilities, my restraints, I am participating in the flow of life.

And then hopefully, I will remember to breathe and start again. (Thankfully, the breathing is still pretty automatic!)

Chaos + Breath + Presence + Action = Abundance

What do you think? Would you tweak this spell? If so, how?