Jerusalem, Israel was beginning to feel like home by mid December, and I looked forward to celebrating the Winter Solstice in what felt to me like one of the most significant and powerful portals on planet Earth. Leaning to the east, my three, in the front of my condo Aleppo pines, were swaying in a warm breeze and it was another day with temperatures around 15 Celsius and filled with sunshine. I had been listening to Radio Jordan as I usually did every morning at 9 a.m. while decorating our huge indoor palm tree with twinkling lights and copper angels for our Winter Solstice celebration. With a delightful gusto the radio personality would tell us what the king was doing every morning. King Hussein, who was married to an American architect, Queen Noir, was the Jordanian king then. The announcer told us that this day the king was flying to England on vacation with his family. He would be the chief pilot for this flite and I thought I sensed the flying king was excited to be flying, and heading to a home that he had recently purchased in the English countryside just outside of London.

It was on a Friday late morning, the 18th of December that I received a phone call that initially threw me for a loop. The caller had heard that I was a Reiki Master and that I was in touch with the metaphysical. She had urgently to meet up with me and talk to me about something she had seen, and would I meet her at the King David Hotel on King David Street in the center of Jerusalem? I always loved going to downtown Jerusalem, a metropolitan city where one could see the Old City and Mount Zion from the King David. Perhaps I would stop in at UNTSO headquarters and have a chat with my husband who worked there for the UN.

I agreed, and late afternoon I jumped into my silver VW Rabbit that I had shipped over to Israel and headed off. First to the outdoor Mehane Yehuda Market for some fresh challah bread and chocolate croissants that were all the rage in Israel. My favorite though were the jelly donuts that were popular at Hanukkah because of an ancient oil lamp issue that now was recognized with foods deep fried.

After parking I walked into the splendid hotel that was built of quarried pink Jerusalem limestone in the 1930’s, my eyes searching for a woman who wanted to talk angels. I soon spotted Malcha, a tall, stout woman impeccably dressed, sitting in a large comfy red velvet chair, several of which were positioned around the expansive brightly lit chandeliered lobby. She greeted me warmly, and I threw in a hug that was reciprocated and we sat down.

Had I seen an angel ever, was her burning first question. Yes, I had, some at my home in Ontario, Canada before I moved to Israel, and now here. I had clearly seen Archangel Michael and Gabriel, who were very kindly guiding and protecting me in this beautiful but volatile place to live. I had also seen the angel Sandalphon lying over the entire 50 foot Western Wall, the Wailing Wall, a part of Solomon’s Temple of yesteryear. But had I ever seen a dark angel, a negative, frightening one?

At that point I had not, so she described to me what had happened to her. She had been on the freeway to Tel Aviv when a dark angel had followed her. Fact he was huge and had hovered over her car all the way to Tel Aviv. She said she was afraid, she had not experienced this before, but her real question was; was it real, was the angel she thought she saw real? I felt a buzzing in my ear, as I do when I receive a message from my spirit guides (who happen to be Lord Michael and Archangel Gabriel) and the message was that yes, this old portal attracts the positive and negative of the angelic realm and it is important to ask Lord Michael to protect our homes and cars always. So I tell her what I know and help to bring her to a comfort level with all the appearances here of ET’s and angels, explaining the gigantic portal of the Middle East, while in the background Christmas carols were softly playing on the hotel intercom. We parted, hoping to meet again for tea.

Soon it was Winter Solstice Eve, a cool moon lit night, and my husband and I motored on over to the promenade that overlooks the Old City of Jerusalem. We parked in the pine park that surrounded the lookout and began a walk through the Aleppo pines where late blooming shrubs and roses still lingered and filled the air with fragrance. When we came to the circular spot that housed benches we sat down, me pulling out my crystals and white and red candles. I lit the candles, the white one for the Goddess and red one for God and I softly sang a few lines from a sacred song:

 “Enter the light, let your spirit take flight, in the field of infinite possibilities. On the longest night we search for the light, and we find it deep within.”

As we sat in anticipation of the return of the light in the darkness lit with candles, I prayed for Israel and that I might be a blessing here. A few folks slowly sauntered by. We were greeted with words of salute, “Shalom”. A dog ran by and hyenas howled in a distant wadi when suddenly the moon was darkened by a mysterious looking cloud. I watched as the angel shaped cloud then slowly floated away in the distance, and then the moment of the change came. I felt the Earth shudder, heard the eerie squawk of a magpie in the tree behind me and a sudden crack as a tree branch snapped at the exact moment of Winter Solstice.


So it is, I thought, nature knows of and feels the timing of this momentous event that has long felt like a high holy day to me. It is the Christ Consciousness that descends to Earth through our Solar Logos at this Divine moment. Blessed be!