The holiday that is known both by Brighid and by Imbolg has long been a favorite of mine. I adore the thought of all those sleepy little seeds under the surface of the earth getting ready to move upwards towards the sun in the depths of winter. The painting that accompanies this blog post is one from a few years ago that I did of the Goddess Brighid. I have often seen her as a young, joyful woman, bursting forth in flame. I find that I wish to paint her again as my image of her has matured as I have matured. 


At this time of year, my coven always honors Brighid and the flame of Brighid with a lighting of candles. This tradition comes to us from the Brigidine Sisters of Kildare, Ireland, who who re-lit the flame of Brighid at the Shrine in Kildare and have been passing that flame in the form of candles since the 1990s. The flame is passed through the wick of the candle, so if you light a candle from a candle that was lit off of the wick of a candle from the original flame, you can share and pass that flame on. 


This year, we honored her with that tradition, and also with the tradition of her holy well. We created a "well" on the altar filled with cider and berry juice (berries being sacred to Brighid) and also shared a meditation that honored Her in Her aspects of Healer, Craftsperson, and flame of Inspiration. I am pleased to share this meditation here, please feel free to adopt it for your own use.


Blessed Imbolg! Blessed Brighid!


Sit, close your eyes, and begin to allow your body to completely relax….


You are in an open, starlit field. The air around you is warm and gentle, relaxing. Allow yourself to breathe in the air, breathing in all the good things this air has to gift you and letting go of all worries and tension….



Ahead of you is what appears to be a sacred shrine. A large group of women surrounds the shrine, attending what appears to be some kind of flame. You count the number of women….there are nineteen…. This is how you know that you have come to a place that is sacred to the Goddess Brighid. These are the priestesses of Brighid, and this is the flame they tend. They reach out to you, and draw you into their circle. You feel the warmth of the sacred flame, allowing the brightness of the fire to wash over you. Contemplate the sacred flame and what this fire brings for you.


One of the priestesses extends an arm, and shows you a place beyond the shrine, further ahead, in the field. She invites you to now visit the Well of Brighid. Remember that Brighid is a Goddess with many faces, you thank her for the invitation and approach the well.


Take note of the well, its appearance. What is it made of? How large is it? Is there anything else around it? Take a moment to walk around it, taking note of all you see….


Now, peer into the well. What do you see? Are the waters clear?


You turn…. And see the most dazzling presence you have ever seen. You can see a woman, but she is more than human. She is surrounded by brilliance, by the most vivid light you have ever seen. Notice all the different colors that faze through the light. She is Brighid in her aspect as Inspiration. How will you answer her questions? When you feel you are ready, face her.


“ You are my child,” she tells you. “I have always been here and I have long waited for your arrival. Even at those moments when you felt most alone, I have been here. Gaze into my well,” She tells you. 


You look into the mirror that is the water's surface.

She asks you, “What would you like to release from your life, to have the cool clear waters of the well wash away?”

“Where in your life do you need inspiration? Ask the waters to show you how to find your inspiration.” Look deeply into the water, and seek a vision.

The Priestess approaches you again and tells you it is time to visit Brighid’s Forge. Here, you will encounter Brighid as a Goddess of the Sacred Flame, of smithcraft. You enter an enclosure which is open to the sky, surrounded by a sacred grove.

What kinds of trees do you see here? Are there any birds in the air, and if so, what kind? Are any other animals about?

Now Brighid stands at Her forge, wearing a heavy leather apron. She is heating something in the fire near the forge. She bids you to approach. She asks, “What tool would you shape to help you on this Forge?” If you are unsure what it is you need, you may ask for her advice. When the answer comes, she hands you the hammer, and holds the metal to the anvil. “It is time for YOU to shape what you need from my fire.” You take the hammer and begin the heavy work of crafting a tool from the hot metal. When you feel you have finished, you hold the tool aloft, and Brghid smiles. “It is done,” she says. “Take this with you, and remember it when the need arises.” 

The Priestess again takes your hand, and you find it interesting that you are heading back to the Well. Brighid comes as well. She says, “I am also a Goddess of Healing. Take your tool and plunge it into the Well.” As you do so, see the steam rising off of the water. Feel that steam move over you, over your body, feel it clothing you with its tangible moistness. The healing waters cool your creation as they warm your body and mind. Allow the waters to seep into your very skin, filling you with whatever kind of healing you may need. 

When you feel complete, turn to the Goddess and thank Her. If you have any final questions for her, now is the time. Speak, and listen to her answer.




The time has come to return. Thank the Goddess for Her gifts of Inspiration, Healing, and Smithcraft.  If you wish, you may want to honor her in some way. You may also like to thank the Priestess who has been your guide. 


And now, return, going past the forge, past the well, past the shrine and the priestesses there. See yourself again in the starlit field. Move slowly back towards earth, and back towards your own body.


And now…..taking with you all that you have seen, begin slowly to return to your own body, to your own place and time…..