Normally, my Spring Equinox post would have a light and airy tone. I'd suggest fun and fanciful ways to welcome spring with friends or solo, and usually some recipes to try. These are certainly challenging times, and Aries the ram, the sun sign under which I was born, usually always rises to a good challenge. Here is mine currently: staying positive in these frightening and uncertain times. A reader that I follow on WaterBaby Tarot recently stated that we should hold on to faith and not give in to fear. She reasoned that when fear wins, we stress out and our immune systems are compromised. This could also lead to more people getting sick. It's a vicious cycle: fear/illness/more fear/more illness. Breaking out of this can be easier said than done. Although I do think it's important to stay informed, periodic breaks from the news and being online are imperative right now. Because once you have the pertinent information of the day, dwelling on things and speculating on where they could possibly go from here are not going to help matters a whole lot.

Fittingly, the Spring Equinox and Ostara is all about balance. As a planet, we need to balance out. We've been leaping forward at warp speed for too long now with industrialization, overpopulation, pollution, and technology that we can't even humanly keep up with anymore. I personally don't feel it's any accident that with the increase of climate change consequences: drought, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires– we're seeing an uptick in disease and outbreaks that we can't control. Mother Nature might just be mightily pissed off at us people, and honestly, can you blame her?

So instead of banging our heads repeatedly into the wall that's not moving, let's be different kinds of rams this season. Let's keep fighting for each other– helping each other out and sharing our resources when we can. Staying home and not exposing others if we're not feeling well. Not hoarding all the TP and hand sanitizer if we are well aware of a neighbor, especially a solo elderly one, who would love some help and a kind voice to calm their fears. If you can't share in person because of health reasons, reach out more by phone and email. People are starting all sorts of cool online groups, particularly the artistic performance community, who are largely out of work right now. There are so many positive ways to practice self-care, as well as nurturing others right now. This should be just as essential as social distancing. Is there someone you haven't checked in with in a while that you know is on their own? Send them a text today, please! If we can continue to reach out with kindliness and thoughtfulness, we can remain more calm and be a stronger collective.

This is a good time to focus on projects around the house. Get your roommates involved on organizing and cleaning up. Tend to that clothes mending that you've been putting off for months. Use this time to mediate and breathe. Try some new recipes out of your cookbook gathering dust. By all means, boil up some hard boiled eggs. (This is how to make the perfect hard boiled egg.) When you crack one open, ponder how delicate and fragile it once was. That something like that could emerge from boiling water that much more perfectly resilient– that is something to aspire to. Take care of yourselves and those around you. We will persevere, just like the tenacious Aries ram.

Photo by Trace Hudson from Pexels