Of course this post comes with a disclaimer. Before starting any weight loss program please consult your physician.

There’s a magickal disclaimer as well. Remember that when you do magick it is best to support your magick with appropriate mundane activities. As above, so below.

If you are interested in losing some body weight, tarot can help in many ways.  Performing divination to help you understand your relationship with food is a helpful way to start. Once you are ready, a magickal ritual with the cards will give you some support to help you to stick to your weight loss plan.

The cards you will need for this work are Justice and all four aces. Justice represents the balancing of the scales. The four aces represent new ways of doing things. Each ace will bring its elemental energy to support you in your weight loss. You will also need a card to act as your significator. This would be a card that you feel represents you.

You can incorporate this tarot magick into the ritual of your choice. In sacred space, take your significator card and hold it to your heart. Out loud or silently, state your desire to be healthy and well, and to be the best you can be. Acknowledge your love for yourself and your strong belief that you can be successful. Visualize yourself at your goal weight. Feel what it feels like to be you, only lighter.

Put all of that vision into the significator card. Then place the card at the altar.

You may now invoke the help of any deity or energy as you see fit. If you chose to do such an invocation, direct that energy to the significator card, invoking your higher self.

Now take the Ace of Swords and hold it high over your head. Invoke the power of Air to help you make wise choices in the matters of food and exercise. Let the Sword cut away all that does not serve you.

Place the Air of Swords on the altar.

Take the Ace of Wands and hold it as you did the Ace of Swords. Invoke the power of Fire to motivate you and energize you. Ask Fire to guide you to appropriate physical activity. Ask Fire to bring you to a place of joy where you do not feel deprived.

Place the Ace of Wands on the altar.

Take the Ace of Cups and hold it to your heart. Invoke the power of Water to help you with the emotional aspects of weight loss. Ask Water to cleanse you of any emotional hurt that causes you to eat inappropriately, or that causes you to hang on to excess weight.

Place the Ace of Cups on the altar.

Take the Ace of Pentacles and hold it in your lap. Focus on your root chakra. As you breathe, feel yourself grounded to the earth.  Visualize the Ace of Pentacles as the root chakra. Invoke the element of Earth to help you be healthy and strong. Keep focused on the root chakra, and the Ace of Pentacles. Release any fears you may have that cause you to hang on to excess weight. Affirm your strength, your safety and your security. Affirm your power and your right to your joyful existence.

Place the Ace of Pentacles on the altar.

Now take the Justice card and hold it high over your head.  Once again visualize yourself at the healthy weight you want to be. See yourself standing on a scale that reads your goal weight.

Place the Justice card on the altar.


Once you release sacred space you may shuffle the cards back into your deck. This tarot magick will support you as you work toward meeting you goal.
