It's not an easy few days around here. Finals time is always stressful, between the piles of papers and exams to grade, soothing freaked-out students, and trying to get all the end of academic year paperwork turned in. Add in that I had a sudden and unexpected -- and still bewildering -- falling out with an old friend, that I'm staring at a summer with no teaching income, and that I'm just plain tired, and its all too easy to fall into a spiral of negative thinking. I've been really working to stay positive, to see my teaching-free summer as a great opportunity to build my business and do some much-needed writing, to trust that things will work out as they should. I know too well what happens when I let myself go down the rabbit hole of negative thinking -- nothing good, to put it mildly.

The Universe definitely wanted to send me a message along those lines this week, because Aditi, the Hindu Mother Goddess, came up in my cards this week:


Your thoughts create reality. Be conscious of what you choose.

Some questions I'll be working with this week, and which I encourage you to contemplate as well:

What reality do I want to create?

How can I choose thoughts that will create this reality?

How can I be conscious of my thoughts and the reality they create?

How can I transform negative thoughts into positive ones?

How can I think about challenges, obstacles, or problems in more positive terms?