*An excerpt from, The Goddess Lives, poetry, prose and prayers in her honour, by Agnes Toews-Andrews.

It was spring, and I was in retreat at Mount Shasta, California when I discovered my connection to the goddess Ereshkigal, who had appeared to me in visions many years before. Ereshkigal was also a Niburian/humanoid hybrid who had been given Lower Africa known as the Lower World, as her domain.  She was the sister of Ishtar, (an incarnation of me,) a goddess who lived in Mesopotamia/Babylonia and was well known throughout the ancient empires.

Mount Shasta is a huge portal and entry point for galactics, I have discovered, and home to Ascended Masters, ancient Lemurians and Atlanteons. I loved it there, the energy high and vibrant.

Staying at the house of a friend I could see beautiful shimmering Lake Shastina from the huge west facing livingroom window and from the south facing window gigantic snow-covered Mount Shasta was visible only a few miles away.What a sight!

            Fire Priestess me, ( a fire priestess is one who has access to the spiritual hierarchy) had appearances and some messages for me from Jesus/Sananda and Lorimer, an Ascended Master, at the mountain and had been meditating regularly, spending my days beginning to write some of these stories. Mother Mary appeared in all her Light filled glory, saying again she was a Healer of Women's issues. I had visits from Mother Mary in all her glory several times while I lived in Israel, and I again savoured my connection with her in these meditation moments.

            Shortly after I arrived I met the spirit beings who said they were the Chohan and they materialized in my Lake Shastina residence. They are ancient priests from Lemuria and reside in Mt. Shasta mountain. They were strange looking beings with very elongated heads and were about seven to eight feet tall. They walked into my bedroom chamber one evening and offered healing for the concussion that I was recovering from. I gratefully accepted, and my girlfriend and I enjoyed their presence as she continued to facilitate the hands-on treatment as well that evening. What a presence!

           In one meditation sitting I saw the Gautama Buddha float by. He was dressed in orange and beige and sitting in the lotus position, and had a huge smile on his beaming face. He was a skinny Buddha. “Kewl,” I thought, so he hung out here, too, perhaps sporadically, possibly always.

            In another vision, a tunnel that went into the centre of the mountain suddenly presented itself and I soon found myself in a waiting room of sorts. All the furniture in a waiting room was gigantic and made of wood. I began wondering about the inhabitants beyond. I tried in my meditation to go further, beyond the sitting room, but only found closed doors. The bench in the sitting room sat about six feet off the floor and looked to be made of sequoia wood, it's shiny surface polished and shining. The door I got to was a large one, about twelve feet high, and looked like it was made of a copper-like substance, and it had shiny door handles that had a unique medieval look and feeling about them. They were huge. I walked to and tried to open that huge door, but I couldn’t open it and had to stay in the waiting room, supposing it wasn’t the right time to enter that space. I intuitively knew that Giants resided in this particular place in the mountain though. Giants too busy to entertain or deal with Ishtar, me, I presumed!

            There are many intriguing reports of different individuals who are living in the mountain. What I discovered is that it’s a giant hotel with residents from many ancient civilizations, cultures, planets and star systems.  .  . in a future blog post I will tell you more about Mt. Shasta's residents and experiences here.


*To be continued.