
Last May, right after I finished graduate school and earned my master’s degree in social work, I was contacted by the director of pastoral services at Duke University Hospital. This fine gentleman has been working to put together interfaith lectures and dialogues, and asked if I’d be willing to offer a Pagan perspective to the mix.

I was thrilled and excited by the invitation! And then I got scared and anxious about the idea of talking about my religion to a bunch of strangers. But now, as I’ve had time to recover from the initial euphoria and shock (and as the date of my lecture draws nearer) I’m excited once more, but my excitement is a little more focused now.

Since I’m being given this fabulous opportunity to help educate doctors, nurses, social workers, staff members, psychiatrists and other healthcare professionals about Pagans, Paganism, their health and their religion, I want to do the absolute best that I can. I want to be professional and well-informed. In an attempt to do this, I’ve put together a little survey covering the topics that I’d like to share in my presentation.

So, if you are so inclined, would you like to fill out my survey? It’s not too long, your answers can be as short or as detailed as you like, and the answers are 100% anonymous. The responses will be used for my lecture at Duke University Hospital, and I’ll also share some of the more interesting and thought-provoking themes here at Pagan Square.

Also, this is a chance for your Pagan, witchy voice to be heard! Duke University Hospital is one of the best hospitals in not only the United States, but in the world. And Duke healthcare professionals engaging in informed Pagan-patient care has potential rippling effects to other healthcare professionals and other hospitals and clinics around the globe.

Please follow the link to my survey, fill it out, and thank you so much for your time, attention, and honesty! Blessings of health to you and yours on this day and all days!

Take the survey here!
