I want to share an experience that I had with my tarot group recently.

We meet once a month to play with the cards, learn from each other and share readings.  Last month, one of our members arrived with her usual supply of books, notebooks, tarot cards and snacks to share, and something else.

Just as she was leaving her house, she told us, she felt inspired to bring a sacred object to share with us. It was a large candle in an ornate dish. When she lit the candle, the energy in the room started to hum.

Always one to jump on a teachable moment, I started a conversation about sacred objects, and decided that, for our next meeting, each of us would bring in some sacred object in addition to our tarot decks.

For the next meeting, I arrived early and set up a large round table in the middle of the room. This would be our altar. On it, I placed the four altar tools, appropriate for both tarot and magick.

When everyone arrived, we decided that we would use the power of these objects, and the cards, to create a healing ritual for ourselves, and for the people whom we know are in need.

After an opening meditation to create sacred space, we began by sharing our sacred objects. One by one, each person came to the table with their object. We each told the story of why the object is special, and each placed our object on the altar. As each object joined the altar, the altar became more beautiful, and the energy became more intense.
Once everyone’s objects had been added to the altar, we each turned to our tarot decks. From our decks, we each pulled cards to represent our magickal intentions for ourselves, and for each person for whom we wanted healing.

Once again, each person approached the altar, this time with a few tarot cards. We each shared our cards and our healing intentions, while the rest of the group added their energy and support. We each placed our cards on the altar, near our own sacred object.

After the ritual, we spent time sharing food and conversation, in the glow of the energy we had created.
This powerful tarot healing ceremony came together spontaneously, and almost effortlessly.

The next time you gather with your tarot friends, be open to the creative possibility of group tarot magick!
