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The Devils Book Our beautiful Wall Art ...

Hey Boss Warlock:

OK, I've seen you: basically, you haven't changed for decades. Clearly, you've discovered the secret of eternal youth.

So 'fess up. Did you find a portrait-painter à la Dorian Grey or something?

Aging in Aiken


Dear Aging:

Clearly, you've forgotten your witchly lore.

Sell your soul to the Horned One, get eternal youth, eternal beauty, erections for hours, etc.


Then there's the Boss Warlock Five-Point Health Plan:

  • Keep active, physically and spiritually.
  • Keep engaged/interested.
  • Spend some time sitting cross-legged on the ground every day.
  • Shit squatting.
  • Have at least one orgasm every day.

(Nobody wants to hear about discipline, but thou mayest not be a witch without it.)

Then there's the food:

  • Eat low on the food chain, mostly plants.
  • In general, stick to whole grains and natural sweeteners: honey, maple syrup, etc.
  • Eat some beans every day.
  • Eat allium—onions and garlic—every day.
  • Eat tomatoes (in some incarnation or other) every day.
  • Eat raw greens every day.
  • Eat cooked greens every day.
  • Eat some sort of cruciferous vegetable (= cabbage and kin) every day.
  • Eat some sort of orange vegetable every day.

Mostly importantly of all, eat real. By real, I mean close to the source: the closer, the better. Local is better than shipped. Real meat is better than faux, dairy milk than plant, whole grains than refined. You get the picture.

Oh, and top of the list, Aging: get your butt out to the woods stat, give Him a call, and sign that Book like you really mean it.

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs

Those two boys are walking awfully close, I thought.

As they came nearer, I saw why.

They were holding hands.


Beep beep beep.

As the car went past, I saw that it was our coven's newest member.

Witch said the sticker on the bumper.


I raise my hand in salute to fearless youth.

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All Hail the Maiden of Fire and the Youth of Earth!

All Hail to Astrological Beltane and the Parting of the veils to New Life!

A little background..

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Response to Blog about Pagan Leadership

Because my response to PantheaCon and Leadership is so long, it seems worthy of its own blog entry.

Annika, the reason you found only older Pagans at the PWR meeting was because only older people came, not because younger folks weren't welcome.  Don Frew spoke about the history of the PWR because he had expected people unfamiliar with it to be the ones who came.  That turned out not to be the case, but for you.  Had I known it was going to unfold as it did, I wouldn't have needed to come.  I already knew most of what he had to say, and in fact have given talks on it to Pagans around the country myself.  Also, there were a few people there who were older, Pagan but not Witchen, new to interfaith involvement and who had never attended PWR and who came for that reason, to familiarize themselves with what it is and how it works.

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Youth Q&A: Swordless in New York State

In the correspondence-based work that I do with Pagan youth, much of my communications revolve around answering questions and giving suggestions about how to live a Pagan life with both the restraints and opportunities that being a young person represents. This Youth Q&A column will be updated regularly with my questions and answers, shared with permission from the questioner. Only the names will be removed for privacy and safety.

Having a sword or athame is the only thing my mom won’t let me do. Everything else is fine with her. I have to have one for my altar, right?
Age 16, Syracuse NY

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  • Jennifer Bisson
    Jennifer Bisson says #
    I also started out using a letter opener. I have also used a pointed crystal, a wooden folding fan, a pencil, a small spear point
  • Finn McGowan
    Finn McGowan says #
    In the bad old days when living with my parents or unsympathetic partners I would use secret, mundane tools. The Athame was a Swis
  • Diane Hedden
    Diane Hedden says #
    I am a witch who has worked both as a solitary and with a coven for over 25 years. I have met quite a few other witches who do
  • Terence P Ward
    Terence P Ward says #
    For my handfasting, the priest was more than happy to use the titanium spork I provided.
Challenges for Pagan Youth, In Their Own Words

The results are in! You may have seen my last post discussing a survey question I sent out to my youth network asking what their favorite part about being a young Witch or Pagan is. The results were surprising to most but I can’t say I was very surprised. However, the results of this survey question did surprise me a little.

To a network of thousands of young people on social media and email, I asked “what is the biggest challenge for you, being a young Witch or Pagan?” I received over sixty responses within 48 hours. Here is a small sampling of the responses:

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  • Lily Taylor
    Lily Taylor says #
    I think one explanation for at least some of the people saying that lack of resources is something they are having a problem with
  • Ruth Pace
    Ruth Pace says #
    my thoughts and advice: age-hate - the only times I've ever put anyone younger than me down, was BECAUSE someone who was 21 years
  • Steven Metlak
    Steven Metlak says #
    The tradition that I belong too was founded to be an inclusive, educational church. When we conducted the main ritual at the loca
  • Mary Featherwolf
    Mary Featherwolf says #
    I would like to help some of these young witches, do you think you could give them these links and my Email address? I am willing
  • Lady Selene
    Lady Selene says #
    I don't understand why people don't like to hear another opinion, especially someone younger. We ALL have Something to TEACH, we A

Posted by on in Studies Blogs
What Young Pagans Like

Writing and marketing my new book, Teen Spirit Wicca, has been a very interesting process. Most people know that my prime work in the community is based on advocacy and youth outreach/support. Advocating for young Witches and Pagans means constantly engaging with this demographic and being open to their interests, likes, and dislikes. I learned so much while interviewing teens during the initial writing of TSW, but I continue to learn as I pose new questions to the community that has built up around it. So for the next few months I'm asking the young Pagan community about their thoughts on a number of topics that I'll report on here. Some of them will be deeper and more intellectual, and some will be based on simple feelings. I ask these questions through a number of outlets including Facebook pages, groups, and via email to the youth I know.

Last week I started with a simple question: What in your opinion is the best part of being a young Wiccan, Witch, or Pagan? How is it helpful for you? What are you most proud of?

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  • Nova
    Nova says #
    I think most people take younger people for granted sometimes forgetting who they were and how they thought when they were younger
  • Julie Chedzo
    Julie Chedzo says #
    I am new to Paganism. I love Nature and i love the freedom Paganism gives you. I don't like rules and being free is great. I like
  • Julisa
    Julisa says #
    I am also a younger Pagan and I chose this religion (coming from a firm Christian family) because I feel a strong connection to na
  • David Salisbury
    David Salisbury says #
    Julisa- thanks for sharing! Isn't it cool how nature can call out to us and poke us to learn more about it's mysteries?
  • Julisa
    Julisa says #
    Yes David, it is amazing. It also made me look back up the trunk of my family tree as well. Come to find out, I come from a long

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