Part of the underlying strategy for the Repaganization of the West is, shall we say...selective replacement.
Consider the so-called “Adam's apple.” A nasty bit of someone else's mythology has, mutatis mutandis, become attached to a perfectly innocuous part of the human body. What to do?
In this particular instance, at least, there's not far to look.
The old Witch word for the (to give it its technical name) laryngeal thyroid cartilege is thrapple: a contraction of “throat apple,” the apple being, of course, the prime sacred fruit of the Tribe of Witches (and, in fact, of Northern Europe generally).
A while back I was dishing with my friend “Granny” Ro NicBourne.
“Do you know such-and-so?” I asked.
“Wouldn't know him from Ash,” she deadpanned.*
I love the term thrapple and will be using it henceforth. Remember we still have Achilles tendon. What a force our beloved Spark