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Posted by on in Paths Blogs

A long overdue update. Spring is upon us (as the rain beats down on my window here!), and I feel like leaving this Winter is almost akin to clambering from a very deep, dark hole...

For the past two months, I've been pretty much confined to home. I've been very ill, both mentally and physically, and while I have a fabulous doctor looking after me, it's been ridiculously hard. Not least because I'm a bad patient. If I'm not able to do something with my days, I get frustrated, which leads down the path to... well, bad thoughts. Spiralling down is an apt metaphor, but not fun to live.

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We make our destinies by our choice of gods. -- Virgil

In my last post, I wrote about the danger of trivializing the gods.  In this post, I want to discuss the danger of trusting them.

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I had planned to write this post a few days ago, as a Start The New Year Off Right sort of post...but then I got the flu, and today is the first day I am able to sit upright and focus my eyes on a computer screen for more than few moments, so here we go!

I don't really do New Year resolutions, but I do give each year an Official Title, as a way of calling specific magic into my life for that year. 2013, for instance, was the Year of Accepting All Gifts. (Let me tell you, that called forth a wild ride!)

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