Emerald is the soul stone for those born in the first half of this luxury-loving and Venus-ruled sign. Tauruses are frequently very good with managing wealth and investments, so it makes sense that emeralds are the color of money. If you are an early-born Taurus, you would do well to obtain an emerald and wear it to work and to the bank for enhancing energy.
The power stone for this group is another gorgeous green stone, malachite, which also corresponds to the planet Venus. An earthy rock, it is befitting for this earth sign of the zodiac and has many magical tales to its credit. A malachite heart pendant or paperweight is perfect for early Tauruses.
"Go placidly amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence." Max Ehrmann
This month’s New Moon features some intense aspects and planetary placements, including a station of Mercury as it prepares to go retrograde. It occurs just a few minutes after midnight on Monday, May 18th (all times EDT, find the chart here) at 27 degrees of Taurus, so anyone with placements in 23-30 degrees of the fixed signs will have some extra energy to play with this month. Opportunities and pitfalls both abound — let’s take a look at how we might chart a course towards the former and avoid the latter.
Twelve Healing Stars is a yearlong project in cooperation with the Temple of Witchcraft that explores social justice through the lessons of the 12 Zodiac Signs. This is part eight.
In 1926, the final wolf in Yellowstone National Park was killed. As predators, they did not enjoy the protections that kept other animals in the national parks safe. By 1929, it was already becoming clear that the eradication of wolves was a big mistake.
Steven Posch
Your good will is a light to us all, Janet. Thanks.
If I were a political cartoonist, today's cartoon should show an elephant mounting a donkey.
Gods ...
Iris Soleil De Lis
You missed April Fools Day by quite a margin here. At least I assume this is a joke, because the title is exactly opposite the content that follows. T...
Steven Posch
Poppy Seed or Walnut Filling
Beat 3 egg whites until stiff. (Use yolks in dough.) Mix whole egg with 1/2 cup honey, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 pound gr...
Anthony Gresham
I looked up potica on Google. There are a fair number of recipes out there but I don't see any with poppy seeds and apricots. Could you get your fri...