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Our Tarot - A Feminist Tarot Deck by Sarah Shipman

"Some decks may be stacked against us...but this deck is ours. Our Tarot."

Just came across this fabulous feminist Tarot deck on Kickstarter, highlighting 78 powerful women from history. 

Emily Dickinson as The Hermit, Hildegard of Bingen as The High Priestess, Josephine Baker as the Queen of Wands, Joan of Arc as The Fool, Harriet Tubman as The Chariot, Abigail Williams (one of the primary initial accusers at the Salem Witch Trials) as The Devil--doesn't Our Tarot sound delicious?

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
Censorship at Aeclectic Tarot

Tarot--the highly-symbolic set of cards that serves divination, meditation, pathworking, inspiration, creativity and illumination--is a "fringe" practice that, to some extent, is becoming more mainstream...just like Paganism in all it's diverse, vibrant expressions.

And because both expressions are "fringe" (meaning we tend to be objects of ridicule, exclusion and/or marginalization), we need to support one another.

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  • Vanessa Green
    Vanessa Green says #
    When I think of censorship I think of an authority coming in and shutting down the presses or making editorial changes to films ba
  • Janet Boyer
    Janet Boyer says #
    I see your point, Vanessa. Listing decks in a database, however, has nothing to do with guidelines or codes of conduct...
  • Lisa Allen
    Lisa Allen says #
    Hi Janet! You are wonderful - as a tarot deck creator, author and tarot reader! :-) So I don't mind giving my two cents. As far
  • Janet Boyer
    Janet Boyer says #
    Thank you for your kind words, Lisa! That was one of my points: you can't claim to be THE authority of Tarot deck listings if you
  • Aryós Héngwis
    Aryós Héngwis says #
    The comments in this thread have been removed as they were quickly moving (on both sides unfortunately) from reasoned debate into

Posted by on in Studies Blogs
A Polymorphous Perverse Journey

Years ago, when I was much younger, I read Rita Mae Brown's Ruby Fruit Jungle, where I first learned the tern "polymorphous perverse." At the time, I thought it was a term created by the author to describe her emergent sexuality, and I always thought perhaps the term applied to me as a polyamorous, bi, pagan female. It wasn't until years later that I learned the term was actually coined by Freud to denote people who are able to find sexual gratification outside of accepted societal norms. I was elated to learn that the term could still apply to me, which is why I've decided to use it to name the oracle deck I've been creating.

(By the way, I was gone for awhile. Did you miss me? I've had my head buried in projects like these! I'm back to tell you all about them). 

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5 Overlooked Tarot Decks (That Deserve Closer Attention)

With on-demand publishing leveling the playing field for deck creators, we are now in a Golden Age of Tarot. No longer must authors, artists and visionaries submit their work to Tarot’s Old Guard, hoping and praying that their unusual deck will past muster and snag them a publishing contract. (If it’s any consolation, many decks don’t get an advance—and sole creators earn about $1-$2 per deck…less, if split with collaborators).

Purists would argue that anybody with crayons, paper and a scanner could conceivable publish a Tarot deck—and that the glut of decks now available dilutes the sacred tradition of the Holy 78.

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  • Wendy WIlson
    Wendy WIlson says #
    I got the Sherlock Holmes and the Mythical Goddesss Tarot. Both are nicely printed and have sturdy and roomy boxes. I have a lot o
  • Janet Boyer
    Janet Boyer says #
    YAY! How do they read for you, Wendy? I'm with you: decks that come in boxes where you can barely get the cards out are a huge pai
  • Wendy WIlson
    Wendy WIlson says #
    I don't read much... I used them for meditation and I like to look at the pictures. I am interested in how different artists inter
  • Janet Boyer
    Janet Boyer says #
    Ah, I see.
  • Anthony Gresham
    Anthony Gresham says #
    No, that's another one I've never heard of. I already have a bunch of Tarot card decks and am fighting the urge to buy a Celtic D
Affirmations with the Tarot - Using the Power of Imagery and Symbols to Create the Life You Want

My new Affirmations with the Tarot eBook is now available! Woohoo! 20 affirmations for EACH card. That's 1,560 affirmations!

Affirmations are a wonderful compliment to gratitude practice, and help steer your emotions, thought processes and life in the direction you want to go. Coupling them with the symbolic images of Tarot makes them even more powerful.

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  • Francesca De Grandis
    Francesca De Grandis says #
    Congrats on another book!
  • Janet Boyer
    Janet Boyer says #
    Thank you so much, Francesca! XO

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10 Things Overheard in a Witch's House
  1. Where’s my sage?

  2. Where’s my pendulum?

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  • Taffy Dugan
    Taffy Dugan says #
    Good one! I'm always loosing my matches - which is not as funny as those on your list.

Posted by on in Paths Blogs

You don't have to be an tarot expert to realize that numerology is very strong in both the major and the minor arcana. All the cards are numbered—and every tarot card resonates along with the number that is ascribed to it. Every number has its own frequency, its own vibration. Just ask a musician about the notes and timing of the score.

The major arcana is numbered 0 - 21, and of course 0 is just a placeholder. It's a pause, the place where anything is possible. It's the potential of an idea before that idea comes to mind.

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