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Witch Craft: DIY Sweet Dream Pillow

To secure lasting love from a nascent romance, a love pillow can cast a powerful, binding spell. This spell works best if you use a soft, homemade pillow.

On a Friday, take two yards of pink satin fabric and stuff it with softest goose down and the dried petals of a red rose you’ve grown or received from your lover. Sew it with golden thread while you whisper:

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Moving in Slow Motion

Dreams about moving in slow motion can be taken as a sign to slow down in your waking life. You might be rushing into new relationships, experiences, or responsibilities without taking the time to process what is already around you. Pay attention to the people, places, and things in your waking life. Work on increasing your mindfulness and appreciating what you already have before you start seeking out more. You probably need to focus on taking life one step at a time—otherwise, one day, you’ll regret not living in the moment. These dreams can also draw your attention to overlooked details. When you are moving in slow motion, you might notice things you never would have if you were moving along at a regular pace. In the same way, try to soak in all the details and hints in your waking life that you would normally gloss over. There might be something for you to learn there.

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Sweet Dreams

If you’ve been having trouble sleeping lately, this bath bomb will have you in a deep slumber.

Gather together:

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