I am an unabashed lover of all things Peter Pan. Aside from the sheer brilliance of the story itself, a tale that speaks to both children and adults, I have always been fascinated by the many permutations and iterations the J.M. Barrie’s convention-breaking stage play about a flying child. It is a mark of great literature that many readers over multiple generations can find new and interesting angles from which to approach an old story, and Peter Pan may have more retellings and alternate approaches than just about any other story. Through these retellings, a story stands the test of time. And time, in the form of threatening adulthood and the deadly Tic-Toc Croc, is the principal antagonist in the story of the Boy Who Never Grew Up.
Finding Neverlandis one of the most interesting incarnations of the beloved story. Based on a play by Allan Knee, the 2004 film presents the story of how the Scottish playwright Barrie dramatically altered his life, challenged London’s strict social norms, befriended a family of young boys who inspired him, and ultimately penned this enduring classic in the face of deep resistance. It’s a lovely, touching movie.
A self-proclaimed witch stokes controversy after documenting human bones she'd acquired and offered for sale. A Pagan politician in Florida draws fire for his authoritarian views. And what should you know if you want to perform shadow work? It's Watery Wednesday, our weekly segment on news about the Pagan community! All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
The term “shadow” has many connotations, depending on its use. When working with your “Shadow Animal,” you will probably want to explore what type of shadow the animal is. That will determine how you work with Them. I will define the terms: “darkness and light,” “the shadow archetype,” “nahualli,” “heyoka,” “trickster,” and “shaman’s death” in several blog postings. Finally, I will conclude with how to work your “Shadow Animals.”
My continued exploration of homeliness*must also embrace this season of lengthening dark. At Mother Grove Goddess Temple this morning, the priestess led us in an exploration of this dark time and the importance of sitting in it, being in it, learning from it. In the guided meditation, I saw the remaining days in this intense agricultural year stretch before me like a long hallway. Or better—one of those collapsible spy-glasses that grew more dense as it stretched toward the Solstice.
In my spiritual tradition, we cheerfully refer to the months after the Green (Summer) Solstice as the Time of the Long Dying, and particular attention is paid to the few weeks after Samhain, the final Harvest. These are the weeks, the hours of the deepening dark, when messages from the unseen people are lessening in frequency but more potent, more desperate for a hearing.
People fear snakes, and run from spiders. When we see these particular animals, we shrink in fear. Certain types of animals make our skin crawl. These animals are the “creepy crawly” ones or the ones we only see at night like owls. The ones that we feel the queasiest about are the animals that are the most alien or radically different from us.
Animals that elicit such a strong response from us are our Shadow Animals. These animals represent the part of our inner landscape that we want to keep in perpetual darkness. Shadow Animals are the manifestations of the unacceptable aspects of ourselves. They hold the aspects of ourselves that we dislike. Since many people feel uncomfortable in embracing their dark side, fear of certain animals is one way to keep it at bay. Hence, we invest our dark qualities in spiders and snakes.
What do Shadow Animals do? They give us permission to love the unacceptable parts of ourselves. When we work with Them, we take back our lost power to forgive ourselves. Once we embrace our Shadow Animals, we will be reunited with these missing parts of our being. They show us that our most hated, feared, and shameful qualities are actually our keys to living the life of our dreams. Shadow Animals call you to make peace with yourself.
The 7 of Swords is one of those cards that the shadow is pretty evident; especially when it is upright, but the truth is that it goes much deeper. The card conveys deception, lies, and stealing.In most Rider Waite versions of the deck, the thief can usually be seen with his arms full of swords, walking away from the community that he stole from, as he looks back to make sure that he is getting away with it.There is sneakiness to this card as the thief tip toes away with his bounty.
Iris Soleil De Lis
You missed April Fools Day by quite a margin here. At least I assume this is a joke, because the title is exactly opposite the content that follows. T...
Steven Posch
Poppy Seed or Walnut Filling
Beat 3 egg whites until stiff. (Use yolks in dough.) Mix whole egg with 1/2 cup honey, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 pound gr...
Anthony Gresham
I looked up potica on Google. There are a fair number of recipes out there but I don't see any with poppy seeds and apricots. Could you get your fri...
Anthony Gresham
Russian oligarchs who displeased Putin accidentally fell out the windows of tall buildings. Chinese oligarchs who displeased chairman XI accidentally...
Anthony Gresham
I used to make rum balls the last Sunday in October. I left them in the cookie tin until Thanksgiving. I would only eat two of them a day from that p...