A Tale of Sexual Awakening
“I'm soooo horny! I wish you were a girl!”
Two adolescent boys, sleeping in the back of the family station wagon. In retrospect, I realize that that night could potentially have been my first shared sexual experience.
Thank Goddess, it wasn't.
Looking back, I can see that that night in the car wasn't the first time that my cousin had orchestrated the two of us into a potentially sexual situation. Though a year younger than I, he was by far the more sexually precocious of the two.
He was also—even at the time, I knew it—self-centered and immature. He would have been a terrible partner to discover sex with.
Sheltered, trained by my parents to obedient compliance, I would almost certainly have been the loser for the experience.
Instead, my ignorance, and naivete, saved me—at the time, I had no idea that sex between males was even possible—and I didn't respond to my cousin's clumsy overture, if that, indeed, is what it was.
When, years later, my first dorm-room fumblings with another guy finally flowered into sex, transmuted by the alchemy of first love, they came as magical, a revelation.