This picture makes me sick.
Every Spring since 1962, the Journeyman Plumbers Union, Local 130, pour chemicals into the Chicago River to dye it green.
This they call a “tradition.”
It's not a tradition; it's a desecration. It's pollution, physical and spiritual.
A River is a sacred being. A River has rights. A River is our kin.
Search "river green Chicago" and take a look at what the press has to say about it. That, too, will make you sick. Where are the voices raised against this arrogance, this hubris?
Our ancestors worshiped Rivers (including, be it noted, the Boyne). Some of us still do.
Of course, even vegetable-derived compounds can be toxic in sufficient concentrations. Think of neo-nicotinoids. What dismays me
I agree, not a great idea to dump coloring into a living system. At least since 1966 it’s a vegetable based dye powder (Mental Fl
Yeah it's pretty sickening. It's a pity we can't do this in the grand ol' US of A...
If only.